Allow large type to remain on screen without focus

Community Member

In a previous closed post it was said that an enhancement was in beta for keeping the password onscreen. I have just gotten 1Password now and it does not seem to have been implemented. This is an important feature because some windows won't accept the paste of a password and if I try to see the password in 1Password it's too small and the large type won't stay on the screen.


1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.7.1 (671001) AgileBits Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.12.5
Sync Type: 1Password Account


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DHK,

    I'm sorry the Large Type window won't stay open! This was definitely implemented, but it can be a little finicky and doesn't always work as expected.

    The way it should work is that you select the 'large type' option and then drag the Large Type window to a different position on the screen so a title bar appears at the top of it (you'll see a red 'close' button on the left side). At that point, the Large Type window should remain open if you click somewhere else.

    That works in the main 1Password app, but not in 1Password mini. However, there's a workaround:

    • While viewing an item in 1Password mini, click the anchor button (or use ⌘O) to keep that window open.
    • Select 'large type' from the password field menu.
    • Drag the Large Type window somewhere else on the screen.
    • Now it should stay open until you click the red 'close' button.

    I apologize for the inconvenience! Hopefully we'll improve this in a future version. In the meantime, you can use the steps above as a workaround, or use the large type option from the main 1Password app (remember to drag the Large Type window to keep it on screen). If you have more questions about that, please let us know. Thanks! :)

    ref: OPM-4407

  • DHK
    Community Member

    Ahh... the dragging of the window was the key I didn't know about! Thanks so much. Works on all instances of 1P... App, extension, and mini... You can close this issue!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, I'm glad to hear it's working for you! We're always happy to help, so if you need anything else, just let us know. :)

  • bzx
    Community Member

    hi Drew,

    I'm having the same exact issue and it's driving me nuts. A website I'm logging into, has the password field exactly at the position where Large Type appears, and every time I move that window, and then refocus to the browser, Large Type disappears (even though it gets the regular mac window chrome with close & minimize buttons).

    I didn't know that I have to use the anchor, now I know, but... can you implement this without having to do extra steps?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @bzx -- I doubt this is something we'll implement, owing to the sensitive nature of password data. We want to err on the side of both privacy and security, to the extent there's any conflict between that and convenience. Often, we can achieve a win-win, where convenience and security are both enhanced -- or at least manage to improve one without damaging the other. But with something like large type, I think the default behavior we have currently is the correct one. Thanks for voicing your opinion, however -- and keep any suggestions or ideas coming! :)

  • DHK
    Community Member

    Here's an interesting followup. I'm now using 1Pass 1Password 6 Version 6.8.2 (682003) AgileBits Store, on macOS 10.13 with Chrome v. and find that if I am in Chrome and get the large type PW on the screen from the Chrome 1Pass icon... move it a bit to get the Mac Red/Yellow/Green buttons to appear, and then click back to my Chrome window, the large type disappears. If I implement the large type via the menu bar icon the same thing happens. However, if I implement the large type from the DOCK icon, the large type remains, and I can switch focus to where I need to copy it...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @DHK -- this may be a really stupid question, but I just tried that out for myself, with exactly the same setup you have (Chrome version, 1Password version and extension version), and I was able to get the large-type window to "stick" after moving it around enough to trigger the red/yellow/green buttons. Here's the question: is it possible, it just became hidden behind the Chrome window? I mean, if you test this by clicking out of the large-type window, is it possible that it was just smaller-width than something else (like main Chrome window) that then concealed it? I'm mostly asking because I couldn't replicate your issue.

  • DHK
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars, you had me worried for a moment, but no it doesn't get hidden behind... but it now does seem to be a bit intermittent which makes it more fun (sigh).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @DHK - OK, so that's not the case. Not sure whether I'm glad or sorry to hear that. ;) However, we're working on making sure this is as stable as possible; right now, it's pretty stable, so you should be able to use it in "production." Let us know if you notice any further inconsistencies. Cheers!

  • prodriguez
    Community Member

    I heavily use the mac main 1Password app for work and didn't understand I must click "large type" and then hold click and drag around popup window containing the large type password otherwise it closes after losing focus. Only after reading this I finally understand how to stop it from closing. Feel only step that should be needed is to click "large type" and popup window doesn't auto close after losing focus. Note this is the functionality in the Windows version and this is more natural less confusing.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback, @prodriguez!

    I absolutely agree with you that feature consistency is an important thing to shoot for in general. However, in that goal we're somewhat limited by the constraints of the various OSes on which we run 1Password. A long time ago, we chose to develop native applications on four different platforms, and while we still think that's the proper way to approach password management, it does mean by definition that 1Password will look and sometimes even function a bit differently from platform to platform due to the differences in UI conventions between the platforms.

    A good (harmless) example of this is that on macOS, the buttons to close/minimize a window are on the top left of the window while in Windows, they're on the top right. For designers, it's problematic and often somewhere between difficult and impossible to violate the UI standards of the OS, and in this case, the two default behaviors appear to be at odds again. I've added your comments to an ongoing internal thread we have about this issue, but owing to the fact that this is a primarily cosmetic (and UX) detail, it's lower priority than some other issues on our plate right now especially as we look forward to getting 1Password 7 ready across all four platforms. So I'd be doing you a disservice if I told you I had any idea when this might get addressed, or what it might look like when it does get addressed. But thank you for bringing it up and continuing the conversation about it. :)

This discussion has been closed.