App store vs. buying form you...someone has to explain this Read Only mode...

Community Member

OK kids. Did you guys change the licensing model on me so my "owned" version is now a subscription model?

I've had 1Password since 2013 and purchased through app store. I'm assuming it did an update that now if forcing a subscription model after making said purchase for the older version? I'm also going to guess the older version don't work properly so Im forced into the newer version?

Or do I have this wrong?

I'm getting read only and no happy about it!


1Password Version: 6.7
Extension Version: latest
OS Version: OS X whatever is latest
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @carboncow,

    I'm sorry you're running into some trouble with the Mac App Store version of 1Password! Don't worry, we're not forcing you to sign up for a subscription, and you certainly shouldn't need to pay again for an app that you already paid for. I'm sure we can help figure out what's going on. :)

    The Mac App Store version of 1Password has been free to download since earlier this year, but it will be in read-only mode unless you paid for it before it became free to download (which sounds like your situation), you make a new in-app purchase to use it as a standalone app (the equivalent of buying it before it became free to download), or you sign up for / sign into a subscription account.

    If you paid for the Mac App Store version before it became free to download, but it's in read-only mode, that means the Mac App Store isn't recognizing that you already paid for it. That could happen if you downloaded it with a different Apple ID than the one you originally used to buy it. If so, you'll need to go to the Applications folder and drag the file to the Trash (don't use any app cleaning tools), sign out of the Mac App Store and then sign back in with the Apple ID you used to pay for 1Password, then install it from the Purchased tab.

    If that doesn't help, is there any chance you originally bought a license for 1Password for Mac from our AgileBits Store instead of from the Mac App Store? If so, then it sounds like you recently switched from the AgileBits Store version to the Mac App Store version. A license from our own web store won't work with the Mac App Store version of 1Password, so in that case, you'll need to switch back to the AgileBits Store version.

    Let us know if any of this helps. If not, we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • carboncow
    Community Member

    Thanks Drew...lots of info for me to sort through on this. I'm at the office now and noted my desktop PC here is not saying demo mode so I'll figure out what I did wrong on the home PC.

    Can you tell me is there w way to tell from looking at the info on the app if I have the download from the website vs. app store?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @carboncow,

    I'm at the office now and noted my desktop PC here is not saying demo mode so I'll figure out what I did wrong on the home PC.

    No problem! Whenever you get the chance to check your Mac at home, just let us know. :)

    Can you tell me is there w way to tell from looking at the info on the app if I have the download from the website vs. app store?

    Sure! Just open the main 1Password app and go to 1Password > About 1Password from the menu bar. The window that opens will tell you the version number, and also if it's the Mac App Store or AgileBits Store version. You can check that on your Mac at work too, in case it's different than what you have installed at home.

  • carboncow
    Community Member

    OK, drew. More confused but I have more data.

    Just removed into home PC and see that it's also Mac App store, same build and same number in parenthesis. The "Read-Only Mode. click here to Buy" was only on the extension I run in Safari and Chrome and it's only on the home PC.

    What is the difference here and what am I doing wrong?

    I'm guessing the wrong extension and I should remove it...but which one do I want/need?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @carboncow! I think we're definitely getting closer to solving the mystery.

    Although the "Read-Only Mode" message appears when you click on the browser extension, that's just for the sake of visibility. The extension itself is fine, and the problem is that the Mac App Store isn't recognizing your purchase of the main app.

    Since it's working correctly on your work Mac, let's check a couple details there:

    • On your work Mac, launch the Mac App Store and click the Purchased tab.
    • Find 1Password in the list of purchased apps and check the date shown next to it.
    • Click on the Store menu at the top of the screen and check your Apple ID (i.e. the email address next to 'View My Account').

    On your home Mac, check those same details in the Mac App Store. Do they match your work Mac?

  • carboncow
    Community Member

    Thanks and sorted.

    The paid version I have is through my work App Store and dates 2013. The version installed at home (no clue how) was late May 2017). Removed that version...installed from work account for App Store and now says 2013 and appears to be working.

    Thanks for your help. Bummer you prob answer this darn need more times then you should have to! Got to love the App Store and it's quirks and multipole accounts.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! I'm glad that's all sorted out now. Thanks for following up to let us know how it turned out, that definitely explains what was causing that to happen. Sorry for the confusion it caused!

    You should be all set, but if you need more help with 1Password or have questions, don't hesitate to let us know - we're always happy to help! :)

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