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Directions on how to apply standalone license to a trial version

Community Member

My daughter must have reinstalled 1password or reset her 1password such that she was using the trial version for a month and the trial expired.

She has a family standalone license. She submitted her email address and received an email with "Click here to Apply Your 1Password license" but it doesn't apparently do anything.

When she tries to click on the add a license it either does nothing or goes to the subscription based license asking for a secret key.

What is the exact instructions for her to apply her standalone license to her trial version. This is very frustrating.

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.12.x
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Ben
    edited June 2017

    Hi @Ulsh,

    I'm sorry for the trouble. It sounds as though your daughter may have signed up for a membership, and has started storing her data there. Standalone licenses do not apply to 1Password memberships. The alternative would be that she may have downloaded 1Password from the Mac App Store. Again, a standalone license purchased from us would not apply there.

    EIther way we can help you get her back on track, but we'll need to figure out which exactly is the problem in order to do so.

    To see if she installed from the Mac App Store launch 1Password and from the menu bar select 1Password > About 1Password. This will show the version information, including "Mac App Store" if it is indeed that version.

    If she didn't download from the App Store, then it is likely she signed up for a trial membership. A 1Password Families membership is a great way to use 1Password. The best in fact. And it is actually the only way we sell 1Password to families anymore. You can read more about that here:

    What are the benefits of a 1Password membership?

    But if you're satisfied with your current solution we'd be happy to help you with that. You can check if she is signed into an account from the 1Password > Preferences > Accounts menu. If that is the case please let us know.



  • Ulsh
    Community Member

    My daughter did download the Mac App store version.

    I had her download from the Agilebits download web site and her standalone license works!

    Does she have to cross reference all of her passwords or would have the Mac App store version use the dropbox repository ?

  • Hi @Ulsh - I'm glad to hear everything is working properly :+1:

    Does she have to cross reference all of her passwords or would have the Mac App store version use the dropbox repository ?

    If your daughter was syncing via Dropbox, she can add Dropbox as a sync source by following the steps in this guide. If you have any additional questions, let us know and we'll do our best to assist. Have a great day!

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