Items randomly deleted / moved to trash

Community Member


I've been a long time 1Password for Mac user. Currently at Version 6.7.1 (671001). Since a rather long time (> 1 year?) items get randomly moved to the trash. I can't correlate that with a particular action. I have to dig them up there and then restore them.


1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: DropBox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @random_wendy: That's very odd. Are you maybe deleting them accidentally via the keyboard when you don't realize that 1Password is the active app (for example, on a different Space than the one you're viewing)? I just haven't heard of anything like that before. Also, are they maybe being deleted on another device which is syncing that vault via Dropbox? Is it a particular item type, or is there anything else you can think of which might provide a clue?

  • random_wendy
    Community Member

    @brenty I'm not using spaces. And as far as I can tell there is no keyboard shortcut to out items in the trash.

    Also, are they maybe being deleted on another device which is syncing that vault via Dropbox?

    I'm only syncing with my Android phone and that has a free version. So I couldn't edit / delete any items.

    Is it a particular item type, or is there anything else you can think of which might provide a clue?

    Not really. Unfortunately, I only realize about this way after the fact so hard for me correlate that to anything.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @random_wendy: If you press the Delete key, you'll be prompted to confirm it, but if you're holding when you press Delete, this will do a "quick delete" (as in the Edit menu) for any items selected. It sounds like this happened a while ago so you may not know for sure (and in that case the logs won't help either), but it's certainly something to be aware of and keep an eye on. I'm just not seeing this behaviour myself or hearing from others with a similar issue. The only other things I can think of is that if you're using an AgileKeychain vault, each item is a separate file. So they could be deleted by another app individually, or if Dropbox has sync conflicts they may be converted to "conflicted copy" files instead, which 1Password will not read. Let me know if you remember any other details!

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