Filling One Time Passwords

So I have a little confession to make here: it's been a really busy month and so the only website that I tested filling of Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTP, aka 2FA, aka those numbers you need to type in when asked) was It was the first alpha so I thought that was a fine starting point. :)

To make future alphas better I need some help with the other sites out there that support one time passwords. I have a Google account and a Amazon Web Services account, so I'll be fine testing those. There's many more out there, however. If you have a site that won't fill your TOTP when you ask 1Password to, please let me know in this thread. I'll need to see the HTML for the page so please include it (ctrl click on the page and select View Source). If it's for a site that allows people to signup for free, just including the signup URL will be easier for all of us.

Thanks everyone!



  • Weird...on Amazon Web Services I found we're failing to even generate the one time password, let alone fill it. I'll try to get that fixed up for the second alpha.

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    My FastMail account does not seem to have the TOTP filled automatically. Unfortunately, the URL is static. You have to successfully submit the username and password to reach the TOTP prompt.


  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    @Fooligan: Thanks for letting us know! We will be sure to check out this website as we are expanding the TOTP functionality.

    Andrew Beyer (Ann Arbor, MI)
    Lifeline @ AgileBits

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    PayPal. It's a weird one because of the hoops you have to jump through to set it up in 1Password, but I figure this is the right audience...and we may learn something from the page at least... ;)

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  • That's perfect! Thank you, @brenty.

    @Fooligan: for FastMail can you do me a favour and inspect the 2FA field and take a screenshot for me? I mainly care about the input field itself but seeing the surrounding content is also helpful. If you could position the screen just right you should be able to fit the inspected input field as well as the login page itself like so:


  • Ok, things have gotten much better in 0.7.3 with these two changes:

    [IMPROVED] Can now fill 2FA codes on PayPal, GMail, and Amazon Web Services.
    [FIXED] Can now display 2FA codes for Amazon and other sites that don't use a full URL for storing the secret.

    Please verify it works for you and keep the bug reports (along with pics of the 2FA token input field being inspected like above) coming! <3

  • Fooligan
    Community Member


    Here is a screen capture with input field selected. Let me know if you need more detail.

  • That's perfect! Thank you so much, @Fooligan. I made a change that should help and it will be available in the 0.7.4 release. I likely won't be publishing that until the weekend, however, as 0.7.3 just went out.

    Thanks again!

  • @Fooligan: Please give 0.7.4 a go and see if it fixes this for you.

    Thanks! <3

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    @dteare: It works! Thanks for getting this in the new app so quickly.

    There is on caveat. The submit button does not work until a character is removed and then added. This has already been noted here.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Looking forward to improvements there as well. :) :+1:

  • Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. At the risk of overpromising, I am working on the "can't submit after filling" issue today. With any luck I'll actually fix it, too! :)

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    No worries. I hate being nit picky. But, I know that you and the team strive for perfection. So, I just want to make sure you know about the small things too.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    "Little things" matter a lot. Keep it up! :)

  • prime
    Community Member

    @dteare and @brenty, @Fooligan said it best, and one of the reasons I love this app:

    But, I know that you and the team strive for perfection

    I know the the One Time Password wouldn't fill when I used Mac Rumors, and that was the only site I found so far. Other seem to work like a charm.

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks! I'll take a peek under the hood of MacRumors and see what we can find out.

  • prime
    Community Member

    @beyer I found another site, (for outlook and Hotmail users). With that site, nothing fills. It's one of those logins that the 1st screen shows to put the user name, the next the password, then the OTP from there. But nothing fills at all.
    On my Mac, it auto-fills, but I do have to click on the extension each time for each screen.

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    @prime: Thanks, we are taking a look at as well!

  • prime
    Community Member

    Thanks @beyer! Much appreciated!

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • dteare
    edited June 2017

    @prime: I just published 0.7.5 and you managed to make not just one but two appearances in the changelog! :)

    You can now fill one time passwords at MacRumors! And works for the email, password, and one-time passwords as well. The only slight quirk on is you have to manually add a character and then delete it after filling the OTP before Microsoft will allow the form to be submitted. I know why this is happening and hope to improve it in a future update.

    Thanks again for all your help! Keep the feedback coming! <3

  • prime
    Community Member

    @dteare works GREAT and happy I was on the changelog twice :)

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    @prime: You deserved it! Thanks for letting us know it's working for you as well.

  • prime
    Community Member

    @beyer, I wasn't expecting a fix this fast at all. You 2 need a day off, GO REST! :)

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    :blush: :+1: Don't worry I took a full day off yesterday. Not to mention it's @dteare working all the magic!

  • Monday's and Wednesday's are my busiest "life" days, so I mentally need to work on the weekend to make ends meet. :)

    Glad it's working for you! I'm going to go fix that quirk with the 2FA code on right after I catch up on the forums here.

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    For some reason, I am not able to fill in any 2F codes with version 0.7.5?

    I have tried on the following web sites:

    • FastMail
    • Amazon
    • Google

    I tried in Google Chrome and Chromium:
    Google Chrome Version 59.0.3071.109 (Official Build) (64-bit).
    Chromium Version 58.0.3029.110 Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit)

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Fooligan:

    Thanks for letting us know. It looks like I'm experiencing some inconsistent results with the websites you listed as well. I'm going to troubleshoot this further and I'll send you a message if we deem additional information from you would be beneficial.

    Cheers :)

    Andrew Beyer (Ann Arbor, MI)
    Lifeline @ AgileBits

  • Thank you, @Fooligan! I just fixed this on my machine. This issue was a bit weird as I swore I made these exact code fixes already. I must have reverted them by accident when rolling back some other changes.

    The change should be included in the 0.7.6 release later this week – maybe even tonight, depending on how busy life is after I pick up my kids from school. :)

    Take care and thanks again for the bug report!

  • Fooligan
    Community Member

    The perils of Git strike again!


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