Chrome Extension won't work on ChromeOS

Community Member
edited July 2017 in 1Password in the Browser

I downloaded the app on my android device, then on my ChromeBook I went to and downloaded the extension. Here is a copy of the message I've received a few times now:

_Looking for the 1Password helper

The 1Password helper must be running for the extension to work properly.

Try again Learn More
Couldn’t connect to 1Password

Either the helper is not running, or something is preventing it from communicating with the 1Password browser extension. Follow the simple steps on our support site or contact us._

Not sure what I did wrong. Any help you can give, would be appreciated. Thanks!

AgileBits Update, 6-Jul-2017:

Hello everyone! We've started beta testing a new addition to our 1Password family: a brand new Chrome extension made especially for our Linux and Chrome OS users! To learn about how you can be invited to this private beta testing, please see this announcement:

A Present for Chrome OS and Linux Users

Cheers! :smile:

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Chrome Extension won't work on ChromeOS


  • collypride
    Community Member

    I forgot to say that I went to the Chrome Web Store and searched for 1password helper and found nothing.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @collypride,

    The design of our extension means it requires the presence of the 1Password application on the same device. The extension is fairly simple and is really just a bridge between the browser and the 1Password client. It passes details of the page to the client and responds when instructed, with those instructions taking the shape of "fill field x with this value" and so on. It means the extension cannot run independently from the 1Password application.

    We do not have support for ChromeOS so I don't have good for you at the moment. If you have a 1Password account you can access the contents on a ChromeOS device but you would be limited to copy and paste. I can't say what the future will bring but we do see this query a bit and it would be nice if we could support ChromeOS. Sorry there isn't anything more concrete to assist you right now though :(

  • collypride
    Community Member

    Thank you for the explanation. I truly appreciate you taking the time.

    No worries! I look forward to 1Password hopefully supporting the ChomeOS in the future.

    Take good care. :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're very welcome! Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have more questions about 1Password. Cheers! :)

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