
Community Member

I seem to have accumulated a lot of duplicate entries, in some cases multiple entries!
Please can you advise me how to remove these and hopefully prevent it happening again.
Thank you

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.7.1 (671001) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: 4.6.6
OS Version: OS 10.12.5
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Hi I seem to have accumulated a lot of duplicate entries, in some cases multiple entries! Please can you advise me how to remove these and hopefully prevent it happening again. Thank you James


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @eddy25,

    Sorry to hear you have duplicates of some of your items! The best way to get rid of duplicates really depends on the the particular circumstances. For example, if you have multiple vaults in 1Password, and the reason you're seeing duplicates is because two or more of those vaults each have a set of the same (or similar) items, then the solution could be as easy as deleting one of those vaults. But if all the copies of each item are in the same vault, you would need to either go through them manually and delete the extra copies you don't need, or otherwise you might be able to restore from a backup made before the duplicates were created.

    If you open and unlock the main 1Password app on your Mac, do you see a drop-down menu in the top left corner of the window that says 'All Vaults' or the name of a specific vault? If so, that means you have multiple vaults. Click on that drop-down menu to see a list of your vaults and select the first one below All Vaults (it should be named Primary). Do you see duplicates of your items there, or just one of each? Now click the vault switcher again and select the next vault in the list. Does it have the same items as your Primary vault? If you already have up-to-date copies of all of those items in Primary, you can delete the secondary vault (while viewing the secondary vault, go to 1Password > Delete [vault name] Vault from the menu bar).

    On the other hand, if you don't have multiple vaults or the problem is that the extra copies of your items are all in the same vault, you'll need to manually delete the copies you don't need, or you can try restoring from a backup. Before doing anything, make a new backup of your current data by going to File > Backup in the menu bar. The window that opens will show all your local 1Password backup files, including a new one you just made. In that same window, you can choose a backup from before the duplicates appeared and click the Restore button. Please note that any changes you've made since that backup was created will be lost (in that case, we can help you export your changed items before restoring from a backup so you can import them again afterwards).

    Does that help at all? Please let us know if you have questions about that. Thanks! :)

  • eddy25
    Community Member

    Many thanks for your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! If you need more help with 1Password or have other questions about it, don't hesitate to let us know. Have a great day! :)

  • jdpierce21
    Community Member

    I too have a ton of duplicates as well. They came from my laptop syncing for the first time in 24 days. I am not exactly sure how it happened, but it did. They are all in the same vault.

    I don't want to restore from a backup because I don't know what I would get. I would rather manually delete them.

    Is there a script or some other way to at least identify the duplicates?

  • Hi @jdpierce21,

    The Security Audit feature has the ability to find items that have the same password. That may be helpful:

    Security Audit · 1Password 6 for Mac



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