Sort by Freq Used Broken on latest release for Secure Notes

Community Member


I make use of secure notes as much as other entities, and as of the latest release when I sort by "most often used" I don't seem to get the correct results anymore. I did recently reinstall my entire setup as well, so I assumed the counters where reset. However after months of use the most often used items, which have both been viewed and edited the most, and where always onto before, never move. It seems like most often used counters are no longer updated or something.

How can I get this resolved?

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @chaoskcw,

    Thanks for writing in. I'm not sure we've heard of this particular issue before, what happens if you sort by most recently edited as a workaround while we investigate further? does it get the ordering right there?


  • chaoskcw
    Community Member

    Modified sort seems to work.

    Frequently used sort does not work at all, even changing it from ascending to descending has zero effect.

  • @chaoskcw,

    I have opened an issue to investigate this at a code level as OPM-5160.


    ref: OPM-5160

This discussion has been closed.