Feature Request-Support WiFi sync between 2 Macs or allow self hosted WebDAV sync location

Community Member

I know that this has been asked before and the answer is iCloud or Dropbox or perhaps sync to a removable drive. That's fine but for security reasons I cannot have my 1Password vault on any machine we do not control. I'd really like to see an option for a clean WiFi sync to keep 1 Password updated between 2 Macs as well as my various iOS devices. I am already running an Apple Server with WebDAV and can sync Omnifocus and DEVONThink that way but all attempts to get 1Password working in the same manner have failed.

Please consider adding that or providing some instructions on how to get WebDAV sync to work.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @OogieM,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in.

    It is not possible to sync 1Password via WebDAV. We tried it, and the performance was terrible, and so it was scrapped. I would suggest considering a 1Password membership for this:

    Sync your 1Password data

    We have a fairly extensive white paper that outlines the measures we've taken to ensure the security of data using this service here:

    1Password Security Design White Paper



  • ohreally
    Community Member

    WLAN sync between multiple Macs would be Godsend and a game changer. I know this would sit well with Infosec peeps :+1:

  • Thanks for the feedback. :) We're not currently looking into adding additional sync options as we are focused on our own 1st party 1Password membership offering which includes sync as a core part of the service.


  • OogieM
    Community Member

    Not going to be an option to get a 1Password Membership. I guess I'll just keep backing up, moving the file and restoring to handle th sync. a real PITA but the only way I can get it to work consistently

  • @OogieM,

    Understood. Let us know if you need anything else.


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