Feature request: automatically read pass requirements on signup page; pass gen creates suitable pass


It would be cool to see 1Password automatically read and parse the password requirements on a signup page so that when I use the built-in password generator, it would generate a password that would fit those requirements.

For example, if the requirements for a password were:

  • must contain one digit
  • has to be between 6 and 10 characters long
  • must not contain any symbols
  • must contain at least two uppercase letters

1Password could generate an appropriate password (e.g. 1aVBze) when using the password generator. Right now, it does have a random password generator option, but I have to manually adjust the length, and have to change a lot of options (like removing symbols for example) in order to get it to fit the password requirements. If I have to manually modify the password, this sort of defeats the purpose of a password generator.

If dynamically parsing the password requirements proves to be too CPU intensive/complicated, maybe the password requirements could be "programmed" into 1Password, or 1Password could periodically download a little database file containing those requirements that it could read and use to generate new passwords for those websites.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @equilaterial: You're right, that would be pretty cool. I apologize for being a bit cynical here, but since many websites don't follow basic login form standards, I'm not sure there's much hope of this now. But we'll continue to evaluate things, as that may change in the future. As it stands, I have to be honest, I can't find the password requirements myself on many sites. So hopefully they make this better for users as well over time (accessibility is a huge issue too), and it may be that we can find ways to take advantage of how things are coded to have 1Password understand this as well someday. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

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