Password Generator parameters not working or not respected

Community Member

This morning, when I tried to create a new password, I noticed that the parameters that I set in the Password Generator were not respected in the passwords that it created. I asked for no symbols, and the generated passwords had a symbol. I asked for 24 characters, and got 16. I asked for one number, and got 2. I asked for no ambiguous characters, and I got ambiguous characters. Clicking the Regenerate Password button gave me a new password with the same problems.

If I dragged the sliders, it would improve the match between my parameter choices and the generated password, but it still didn't respect all of my choices immediately. For example, if I dragged the Length slider, I could get a password with the right length. But the symbols count was still wrong. If I dragged the Symbols slider, I could get it right, and the length stayed correct, but the numbers count was still wrong. I got each parameter to take effect by dragging each slider individually, but I still had ambiguous characters. Unchecking and rechecking the Avoid Ambiguous Characters checkbox seemed to solve that parameter mismatch. In summary, I had to adjust each of the four parameter options separately, in order to get the Password Generator to give me a password that matched my parameters. I took screen shots of two of the mismatches.

The final step in my problems this morning was when I used 1Password to log into the 1Password Forums. I got the error message from your site, that said "You are trying to log in too often. Slow down!." I haven't logged in for more than a month, so I am not sure what triggered this 1Password error (including the exclamation point plus period emphasis). I notice that I can't attach PDFs to this message, which is Apple's standard screen shot format, so I had to convert my screen shots to jpegs.

1Password Version: 6.8
Extension Version: 4.6.6
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: dropbox


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