1Password 7 for Windows to support local vaults link

Community Member

Is there a link detailing 1Password 7 for Windows adding support for local vaults? Awesome if true but I thought it best to read about it myself.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided



  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Check the blog (which is worth looking at anyway). https://blog.agilebits.com/2017/08/01/1password-6-7-for-windows-a-feature-buffet/

    It is some time away, but AgileBits don't usually make announcements for the future, so they must be confident that they can include this feature.

  • wkleem
    Community Member


    TL;DR. I almost never read the blogs.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Well, I'd encourage you to reconsider, since that's often where we make important announcements like this. ;)

    It's definitely a ways off yet, but yeah if we weren't sure about it we'd have kept quiet. hehe

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Mostly, I just glance through the release notes to tell me what the changes are. It still can be a very long list!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :lol: :+1:

  • wkleem
    Community Member


    As a Windows 7 user, as excited as I am to hear about local vault support in 1Password 7 for Windows, I hope it wouldn't a Windows 10 feature? Windows 7 is 2 OS versions behind the current OS.

    That would be a bummer.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Way too early to say for sure, but we do try to be conservative where we can (without negatively impacting security) when it comes to dropping support for older versions.

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty,

    Depending on the actual release date of 1Password for Windows v7, which is only tentative at this point. In 3 years, 2020, Windows 7 would be End of Lifed and it would be time to move on and I would have had the laptop for 8 years.

    Time to look for another PC before then, or put Linux in the laptop.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hey, nothing stopping you from doing both. Cheers! ;)

  • fyonn
    Community Member

    While I appreciate the revival of the support for local vaults in the next version of 1pw for Windows, that's not the same as saying that we'll be able to buy a stand-alone licence for it?
    So, as an owner of a licence for 1pw for windows (and Mac, and iOS, for over 6 years) who'd like a shiny new version but doesn't want to sign up for a subscription, is 1pw 7 for windows for me?

  • Ben

    While I appreciate the revival of the support for local vaults in the next version of 1pw for Windows, that's not the same as saying that we'll be able to buy a stand-alone licence for it?

    True, it isn't, but we are also saying that.

    So, as an owner of a licence for 1pw for windows (and Mac, and iOS, for over 6 years) who'd like a shiny new version but doesn't want to sign up for a subscription, is 1pw 7 for windows for me?

    I suppose that is a decision you'll need to make when 1Password 7 for Windows is released. :)


  • fyonn
    Community Member


    ahh, excellent and I will indeed consider my options when 1ps for windows 7 is released. However 1pw 4 for windows is looking pretty old fashioned, so I'll likely give it a favourable look :)


  • Ben

    :+1: :)


  • ekontrec
    Community Member

    Excited about the local vaults support in 1password 7 for Windows. However what I haven't read so far is "Will 1P7 Windows support cloud sync capabilities (Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive etc). This is the key question for me. Not much use for a local vault if you can't sync it across multiple devices. Something tells me the answer is no, and yet again due to the fact that AgileBits is trying to steer customers to the 1password.com. Sorry but count as me one of your existing paying customers who refuse to buy into this subscriptions model. I'll bet that the OSX version will continue to support Dropbox support in v7 - why not show the same love to Windows?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excited about the local vaults support in 1password 7 for Windows. However what I haven't read so far is "Will 1P7 Windows support cloud sync capabilities (Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive etc).

    @ekontrec: It's too early to say for certain, but the plan is to support the same sync options we already do. We have no plans to add additional 3rd party sync options though.

    This is the key question for me. Not much use for a local vault if you can't sync it across multiple devices. Something tells me the answer is no, and yet again due to the fact that AgileBits is trying to steer customers to the 1password.com. Sorry but count as me one of your existing paying customers who refuse to buy into this subscriptions model. I'll bet that the OSX version will continue to support Dropbox support in v7 - why not show the same love to Windows?

    Well, you can think what you want, and I can't stop you...but you seem to be referencing events that have not happened. How about we develop the next version of 1Password, and once it's released you can decide if it's worthy of your hard-earned money? I don't think you'll be disappointed. ;)

  • karlbunch
    Community Member

    +1 I have to move back and forth between a Mac and a Windows PC and I CANNOT use remote sync I'm only allowed to use corporate sync service to share vaults.

  • Ben


    It is very unlikely that we’ll be adding additional sync options to 1Password at this point, but perhaps Folder Sync would accomplish what you’re looking for?

    How to keep a copy of a standalone vault updated in a folder on your Mac


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited December 2017


    Which local vault sync are supported? Dropbox and OneDrive perhaps? OneDrive was supported in the old UWP version (1Password for Windows Modern and successors) I think. It is currently unsuppprted in v6.8 as is Dropbox.

  • karlbunch
    Community Member

    Hey @ben I'm talking about in Windows 1P client I'd like to have an external vault (folder or whatever) and use folder sync between Windows and a Mac.

  • Ben

    @karlbunch 1Password 4 for Windows uses the sync file (1Password.agilekeychain or 1Password.opvault) as its database. It doesn’t maintain a separate SQLite database like 1Password for Mac does. The instructions I mentioned above will help you create a sync file from the Mac, which you can then double click on from Windows to open it. Note that this will only work with 1Password 4 for Windows, as 1Password 6 only works with membership based vaults. If you need further assistance with this please feel free to start a new thread in our Windows board. :)

    @wkleem We have not announced what sync options will be available for 1Password 7 yet.



  • carlcasca
    Community Member


    I'm just making password-manager recommendations for a tech-challenged friend. I've used 1pw standalone for years and so would like to set him up w/ 1pw as well, since it'll be easier for me to help him start up and use the same system system I use. He however uses windows and I use mac. I use the standalone version, and I'm recommending the standalone version for him as well. (I have no need for the additional features in the subscription software, and he doesn't either. So renting doesn't make sense.) I was planning to start him out w/ 1p for windows version 4, since that seems to be the latest version available. But is 1pw ver-7 still planned for windows? It seems like a long time that it has been discussed and not appeared. Is AgileBits still committed to producing an updated standalone version for windows or is the push to rental only stronger now? I understand that you can't give hard public timelines, but I don't want to set him up w/ 1pw now and then find out later that I have to switch him over to some other pw manager software because agilebits decides to stop the release of 1pw7 for windows and go rental only. Thanks, Carl

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @carlcasca: I'm not quite sure I understand why you're asking if 1Password 7 will support local vaults on Windows, given that this discussion is about how we've already announced that as mentioned above. Please let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • carlcasca
    Community Member

    Because the delay has left me expecting a post from AgileBits that goes something like:

    "While we had originally intended to maintain both subscription and standalone versions of 1p going forward, we've had such overwhelmingly positive response to the subscription version that it doesn't make sense for us to continue work on the standalone version. People really seem to be excited about all the advantages our subscription model offers."

    When AgileBits initially started parallel subscription and standalone versions, they made all the right sounds about how both would be fully maintained. However, I notice that the presentation of them isn't very parallel (one has to dig around more to buy the standalone version) and it's now a little harder to get clean documentation for the standalone version as online documentation seems to be centered on the subscription version. Normally, I wouldn't be bothered by this, as lots of companies do anything they can to push people to more profitable subscription plans. However, because your company sells software that secures every password and encryption code I have, even the slightest bit of slipperiness is a serious concern for me.

    A US senator acting unethically is almost standard fare. The same behavior from a supreme court justice would be deeply troubling. You're not selling a pdf editor.

  • Ben

    Building a major release of 1Password is a significant undertaking which takes a fair bit of time. We’re very up front about the fact that in nearly all cases we highly recommend membership over licensing. Membership provides the best experience. That will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future.

    We could go back and fourth about intentions and US politics all day, but I think if you look at our history and track record we’ve made a huge effort to be fair, generous, and open about what we provide and who we are and what we’re all about.


  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Now that 1Password 7 Alpha is out and sadly and perhaps not suprisingly the AgileKeychain has been deprecated. Also I managed to download 1Password 7 Alpha from a direct link, not through Hockey App. Have not attempted to install it though,


  • @wkleem,

    Indeed, you'll want to use opvault for your standalone sync purposes.


  • XIII
    Community Member

    Now that 1Password 7 Alpha is out and sadly and perhaps not suprisingly the AgileKeychain has been deprecated.

    Why is that a problem?

    Isn’t OPVault more secure anyway?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @XIII: It might be an issue if there are any obsolete devices/OSes being used, as OPVault will not be available on those. AgileKeychain is by no means insecure, but OPVault is much more future-proof. 1Password 7 is a good opportunity for us to draw a line there and jettison some legacy baggage with regard to the many subformats of AgileKeychain which are, frankly, a pain to try to support, especially since the versions (and platforms, like PowerPC) which used them are long gone. It's a bit of a relief, and will allow us to get 1Password 7 ready for prime time much faster with just OPVault to test. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member

    Up till now all my vault have been in the AgileKeychain for backwards compatibility in case I needed it. I have Macs from one decade or more ago.

This discussion has been closed.