Drop-down list of bank accounts is opened in an unattached window & Safari Extension very slow.

Community Member
edited August 2017 in Mac

Hi, I'm Using 1Password 6, Version 6.8 (680015), AgileBits Store.

When I click on the Safari Extension Icon, it opens as normal, but when I move the pointer to an option, it takes a second or two for the selection to highlight and work. I'm so used to it being instantaneous that I'm constantly clicking the selected item only for 1Password to enter the password of the top item, because the highlight hasn't moved. I've had to reset the passwords on several accounts because I keep getting locked out :(

More worrying ... when I click on the extension Icon, it opens as normal BUT a second window showing the 'drop-down' list of Bank Accounts also opens. This second window is not interactive, and closes once I've made a selection on the extension window.

I have excellent anti-virus protection, so although its the bank accounts that are showing, I don't think it's virus related.

Any ideas?

1Password Version: 6.8
_Extension Version: 680015
_OS Version: 10.12.6
_Sync Type:
Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:slow safari browser extension slow


  • @snookumz,

    The residual stale window is the result of a bug in cleaning up after the multiple windows that 1Password mini uses. It will be resolved in 6.8.1.


  • Snookumz
    Community Member


  • @Snookumz,

    :) :+1:


  • BobWin
    Community Member

    Same problem! I hope you guys role out the update soon. I've to restart the mini every time to let the 1Password extension work well.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry about that! We've already got this in the beta, and we'll make it available to everyone as soon as it's ready.

  • Phew, I wasn't sure how to describe that.
    Here's a screengrab:

    1Password Version: 6.8 (680015)
    Extension Version: 4.6.6
    OS Version: 10.12.3
    Sync Type: iCloud

  • @humanbraininrobotbody,

    See the above comments regarding your issue.


  • Thanks Rudy, I searched a bit but wasn't sure how to describe the issue.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    No worries, @humanbraininrobotbody. This issue has a lot of different descriptions, even for us internally. :lol:

  • aschro
    Community Member

    All, hoping this is the same issue and will also be resolved in 6.8.1? Currently the Safari extension displays (seemingly random) windows with accounts even when it's locked. Granted, it's just titles, and they're not interactive, but still... Currently on 6.8.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @aschro: Yup. That's definitely the one. Sorry for the trouble there. We're hoping to have the update available to everyone shortly.

  • aschro
    Community Member

    Great, thanks! Looking forward to it.

  • Us too. :) Thanks.


  • tsmango
    Community Member

    I've also noticed this issue. I'm running a brand new MacBook Pro (just installed it last week and it's one of the ones with Touch ID, so I'm not sure unlocking with Touch ID matters at all?) and I'm also using 1Password 6, Version 6.8 (680015).

    Here's a gif showing the delay:

    Note that you have to pause your cursor for a second before the selection is able to stay in sync with your cursor moving up and down the list. If you click to open the extension and immediately start moving the cursor down the list, the selection will stick on the first item.

  • tsmango
    Community Member

    I've also noticed this. I have a new MacBook Pro that I just installed last week (it has Touch ID and I'm unsure if unlocking with that affects this) and am also running 1Password 6, Version 6.8 (680015).

    Here's a gif showing the delay:

    Note that you have to pause your cursor on the list for a second before the selection is able to stay in sync with your cursor movement. If you open the extension and immediately start moving you cursor down the list, the selection will stick to the first item.

  • tsmango
    Community Member

    I've also noticed this. I have a new MacBook Pro that I just installed last week (it has Touch ID and I'm unsure if unlocking with that affects this) and am also running 1Password 6, Version 6.8 (680015).

    Here's a gif showing the delay: https://cl.ly/293E0j2C2137

    Note that you have to pause your cursor on the list for a second before the selection is able to stay in sync with your cursor movement. If you open the extension and immediately start moving you cursor down the list, the selection will stick to the first item.

  • Hi folks,

    1Password 6.8.1 is now available and should address this issue. Please install the update, restart your web browser(s), and see if the issue still exists for you.



  • tsmango
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben! The latest update seems to have resolved all of the issues!

    (And I very, very much apologize for the triple comment about. I have 1Blocker running and I think it was hiding the comment thread. Sorry!)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    No worries, @tsmango ! Glad to hear you're running smoothly again after the update, and apologies for the hiccup. Cheers!

  • Froswick
    Community Member

    Hi all,
    I have had the same problems with a list of logins appearing everytime I click the safari extension as per Aschro above.
    Just installed 6.8.1, closed and reopened safari, uninstalled and reinstalled the extension but list of logins still appearing just in a different place. Any ideas?

  • Froswick
    Community Member

    Hi, I had this problem too and hoped that the 6.8.1 update would fix it but it appears not to have done? I've uninstalled the extension from safari and reinstalled but no change. Anyone seeing same problem still?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry to hear you're still having troubles, @Froswick! If you're sure you've updated to 6.8.1, the next step I'd take (no, really!) would be the old reboot -- give everything a fresh start: 1Password, Safari, all of it -- and see if that doesn't solve things. If it doesn't, then I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/386615#Comment_386615
    • Your forum username: Froswick

    That way we can "connect the dots" when we see your diagnostics in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here so we can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the diagnostics we'll be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • Froswick
    Community Member

    Well Lars, you were right, rebooted and all appears ok now! Thanks

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    I always cringe slightly when I recommend hey, just reboot! as a real suggestion, because all of us here are aware how cliché it sounds. But the reason it's become a cliché is because of how often it really does solve things. Not all things, of course, but I'm certainly glad this helped you out!

This discussion has been closed.