Question about setting up iCloud sync and merging data

Community Member

Hi, I had my 1Password (which I access on my Apple MacBook Pro, and on the iPhone app for 1Password) Primary Vault (it's my only vault) syncing with a personal Dropbox account. I then rearranged those personal Dropbox folders to better organize them, and also unlinked that personal Dropbox account from my computer, so that I could link a business Dropbox account to that computer instead (can't link both). Now 1Password is not syncing. I would like to set up syncing anew using iCloud this time, but when I choose that option in the 1Password preferences on the Mac, I get a message that says that that there is already 1Password data on iCloud and that the data will be merged. Before I proceed, I want to know what will happen, as I don't want to end up with duplicate entries of everything, or outdated information being merged into what's currently in my 1Password program. Once I do this, I'll also need to set up the iPhone app to sync to that same vault. Can you advise me on that message about "merging"? Thanks in advance for your help!

1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.8 (680014) Mac App Store
Extension Version: 4.6.6
OS Version: 10.12.6 (16G29)
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:syncing with icloud


  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    Okay, so I figured out how to delete that old iCloud data by going to Preferences on the laptop 1Password app by going to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password Data, and following the onscreen instructions. Then I reestablished iCloud syncing on the laptop app, and the sync completed successfully. Then I went to the iPhone app and noticed that, though it says it synced, there were more (and different) notes (and probably other things, too) in the iPhone app. In other words, it wasn't matching up. So I deleted the iPhone app, which gave me a warning that the data would be deleted from the iPhone. I ok'd that, then reinstalled the 1Password app for iPhone, and, without my having to tell it where the Primary Vault was located, it synced -- supposedly to iCloud. The problem is that all the previous data is back, which doesn't match what's on the laptop app, even though the settings say it's syncing to the Primary Vault in iCloud. What am I doing wrong with the iPhone app? How do I get it to sync with and match the data that shows in the laptop app? (I even created a test note on the laptop app, and even that new note is not syncing to the iPhone app, so it seems that the iPhone is drawing down data from somewhere else. Unfortunately, when I sign into my iCloud account, I can't see where the vault(s) are being stored, so that I can delete an outdated one that the iPhone may be connecting with.

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    Okay, so I disabled sync on both devices (laptop and iPhone), then, on each device, went through the process to delete the remote data from iCloud. Then, since I want the 1Password data that's on the laptop to be what the iPhone will show, I deleted all the 1Password data from the iPhone. Then I reenabled the laptop app to sync with iCloud, and it did. Then I set up the iPhone to sync to iCloud, thinking it would read from this same vault and I'd end up with exactly what's on the laptop app being put on the iPhone app. Nope! Didn't work, for some reason. The laptop app shows a total of 1206 items (this is the correct number of total items), and the iPhone app shows a total of only 298 items now. (Before, it had more items than the laptop had!) So I really don't know what's going on with the syncing!

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    Well, it appears as if the number of total items on the iPhone app has grown to 418, and seems to have stalled. I've even set it not to lock for 30 min and the iPhone not to lock ever, just in case that's interrupting the sync, but I don't think that's the issue.

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    The iPhone won't ever get above 438 items, when there are now 1157 items in the laptop app. No amount of adding a note, or forcing a sync, seems to help. Does the iPhone have to be charged up to a certain percentage in order for the sync to happen and/or complete? This is driving me nuts.

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    Both Mac and iPhone were plugged in overnight and fully charged. Still, the laptop app shows 1157 items (this is correct; I deleted a lot of "Unnamed" items that looked like junk, so what's left is all the real stuff), and the iPhone app still shows 438 items. This morning, I changed the Master Password for the Primary Vault (my only vault) on the laptop app, thinking maybe the phone was syncing to a different (hidden?) vault, then signed into the iPhone app with the new master password. It opened, but there are still only 438 items on the iPhone app. There is nothing wrong with my home network or anything like that. So why is the iPhone not showing EXACTLY what's on the laptop app at this point, considering the previous steps I took yesterday (see my comments on this thread from yesterday)????? Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The iPhone won't ever get above 438 items, when there are now 1157 items in the laptop app. No amount of adding a note, or forcing a sync, seems to help. Does the iPhone have to be charged up to a certain percentage in order for the sync to happen and/or complete? This is driving me nuts.

    @allibyrd: That's possible, but unlikely. As far as I know iCloud doesn't care about your battery, but there have been bugs in the past which prevented sync when "low power mode" was enabled. So I wouldn't rule it out completely — especially since only Apple really knows. Items themselves are very small, unless you have a lot of attachments. So I'm surprised if these aren't syncing quickly for you.

    I apologize if I'm just missing where you stated this, but where is the 1Password data you want to keep currently? Is this on a single device — Mac or iPhone — or do you in fact want to merge the data from both? Also, you mentioned the versions you're using on your Mac, but be sure to let me know any other OS, 1Password, and device versions involved here so I can give you specific instructions. Unfortunately 1Password and other apps don't have any control over iCloud and its sync processes, but I'm sure we can work around that and help you get things sorted out. Thanks in advance! :)

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks for your reply! I use 1Password on 2 devices -- my MacBook Pro and my iPhone 6. All have the most recent software updates, as far as I know:

    Mac OS: 10.12.6 (Sierra)
    iOS: 10.3.3
    1Password for Mac: 6.8 (680014)
    1Password Pro for iPhone: 6.8 (I think -- I only see the version referenced once in some fine print on the main Settings page, along with a note about App Store ratings being reset with every new version of 1Password.)

    The complete and correct set of data is on the Mac. I just want the phone to show what the Mac shows. There are no data entries that are on the phone that are not also on the Mac, so there's no necessity to merge different data sets. The problem is that the phone is not showing ALL of what's on the Mac, and I can't figure out why. There is only one vault -- the Primary Vault -- and that's what I want both devices to show. I hope this helps. It was working fine until recently, when I noticed that a password update to one of my login entries that I'd made on the iPhone was not syncing to the Mac, and that's what started me down this path! Thanks for your help.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @allibyrd: Awesome! That's just what I needed to know. Please do the following:

    1. Backup your data from 1Password for iOS. I know you probably don't need to, but I'd rather you have a way to "undo" if necessary.
    2. Delete 1Password for iOS
    3. In 1Password for Mac, disable sync completely (set Preferences > Sync > Primary to "None")
    4. Go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud Data
    5. Setup iCloud sync and let it finish
    6. Verify that you're using the same iCloud account on both devices
    7. Install a fresh copy of 1Password for iOS and set it up with your exiting data ("Used 1Password before?" > iCloud)

    You'll just have to enter your Master Password to sync the data over, but it should happen pretty quickly at that point. Let me know how it turns out! :)

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    @brenty I follows the instructions (even deleted 1Password from iTunes, too, and synced the phone, to try to prevent any potential corruption in the iOS app I had on my phone from being duplicated). Unfortuantely, that didn't seem to make a difference. And when I installed the iOS app again (by going to the App Store and downloading it from there), instead of saying "Get," like it does when you're downloading a new app that you've never had before, it showed me the little cloud symbol, so it was "remembering" that I'd downloaded the iOS app for 1Password before. I'm not sure that really matters, as long as there' no corruption in the app itself. In any event, it synced and the "All Items" number first appeared at 50, then it jumped to 238, then to 408, and it seems to be stuck there. I keep forcing syncs, but it's stuck at 408 total items in the iOS app. The process you gave me (aside from creating the backup) is the same process I'd gone through myself, and with the same result. There are still 1157 total items in the Mac OS app for 1Password, and that does say it's syncing to the Primary Vault on iCloud, but the phone app is not pulling down all the information in that vault. I only have one iCloud account, and both the laptop and the Mac are using it. Any other suggestions . . . besides paying a never-ending monthly fee for the 1Password Account? This should be working with a iCloud sync. iCloud seems to be working properly for everything else on my laptop and phone.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2017

    @allibyrd: Unfortunately we just don't have any special insight into what might be going wrong with iCloud. You'd expect that what you put into it is what you get out of it on all devices, especially after clearing 1Password's data there. If you reset 1Password for Mac (it will backup your data during this process, so no worries there) are you able to sync the data back successfully from iCloud?

    We sometimes see cases where vaults sync'd with Dropbox that are damaged can be repaired by recreating them, but iCloud doesn't work that way: we're not storing an actual OPVault or AgileKeychain there, so something like that isn't even possible, and the closest we can get is clearing the data as you've already done. iCloud is very much a black box to apps, but if you'll generate a diagnostic report for each device we can look at the logs to see if there's any clue as to what's going wrong:

    Please send them to and add the following code (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics emails before sending:


    (For anyone else reading: this support ID is unique to allibyrd. Please ask us for your own if you need help.)

    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. Let me know once you've sent it.

    Ultimately though the best solution would be, since we do have control over that and can fix any sync issues you might encounter. Otherwise you could use Dropbox sync instead. No matter what, we'll do what we can to help. But when a 3rd party is in control of the process we're limited in what tools we have available to us. We know that's not a great answer, and 1Password users deserve better, so we've built our own solution to improve the experience.

    ref: RIP-14163-195

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info! I switched back to syncing with Dropbox, and everything is working perfectly -- go figure! It musthave been an issue with iCloud. In any event, I appreciate your help!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! It's disappointing that iCloud didn't work for you for some reason and it's likely no one outside of Apple can ever know why, but I'm glad that Dropbox works for you as an alternative. Thanks for the followup! :)

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    @brenty Hi! I have been using Dropbox successfully since August 11th now to sync my 1Password data, but I recently got a notification from Dropbox about a file change. I contacted their support team, as it wasn't a change that I had made, they replied: "Looking through my resources, I understand that you were notified about a change made to a file in your system. Specifically, this file (/1password/1password.opvault/default/band_3.js) was edited sometime earlier and was added to your files via the "1 password" app, which you have enabled." The "sometime earlier" would have just been in the last couple of days, as the notification would have gone out as soon as the file changed. In any event, is this anything I should be concerned about, or is it something normal? Thanks in advance for your reply!

  • allibyrd
    Community Member

    By the way, if I recall the notice corrently, it may have been a file addition, not a change to an existing file, but, either way, does it indicate any kind of hacking?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @allibyrd,

    I have been using Dropbox successfully since August 11th now to sync my 1Password data

    Excellent. Now about this:

    but I recently got a notification from Dropbox about a file change.

    Specifically, this file (/1password/1password.opvault/default/band_3.js) was edited sometime earlier and was added to your files via the "1 password" app, which you have enabled.

    in any event, is this anything I should be concerned about, or is it something normal?

    That sounds normal. When you modify data in a 1Password app it'll trigger updating any OPVault data it's being synced with (most commonly in Dropbox, as in your case). This article has some technical details about the OPVault layout, including band files it contains:

    OPVault design - Directory layout

    does it indicate any kind of hacking?

    It doesn't, especially with Dropbox support specifically mentioning: this file … was added to your files via the "1 password" [sic] app. If added/modified by something other than the 1Password app it might (but not necessarily) be more cause for concern.

    Let us know if that doesn't answer your questions or if you've got others. Cheers. :)

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