Browser extension on Firefox suddenly not working (FF 50.1.0, El Capitan)

Community Member

Firefox is my main browser, and I use the browser extension at least once a day. Yesterday it stopped working. I click on it and nothing happens. I tried getting a new copy from the website, installed it, same problem. I rely on 1Password and it's incredibly annoying to have it suddenly stop working. I figured this was a problem others were having and it would be fixed quickly, but 36 hours later I still have a non-working browser extension. It still works from within Opera, which is what I'm being forced to use now. I want to go back to Firefox.

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: 4.6.9
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: None


  • gbyron
    Community Member

    I have the same problem with Waterfox. This has happened on three distinct machines in the house. The icon sometimes looks dark=live but then reverts to a faded-out non-functional state. Been 3 days now. Today's date August 10 2017

  • @skiaddict1,

    You'll want to manually update from 6.2.1 since that version is really far behind at this point. The in-app updater had an issue around version 6.3 that prevented it from continuing to update. If you run the check for updates command it should reveal a link to manually update your version. The browser extension you have installed requires 1Password 6.8 or newer in order to function. You can get the latest version from or from the Mac App Store Updates tab.


  • @gbyron,

    Its hard to say if you're having the same problem as @skiaddict1 since you didn't include any 1Password/Extension version information in your post. But I suspect its probably the same and that updating to 1Password 6.8 or newer will resolve your issue.


  • gbyron
    Community Member

    Running 1Password 6.8. I don't think it has anything to do with the Extension installed from that version. Still not working. Thanks for interest.

  • wibbel
    Community Member

    Hi, I have exactly the same issue with Firefox extension being greyed out. It only started a couple of days ago.

    I'm running the latest version 6.8 of 1Password, the latest version 4.69 of the browser extension, the latest version Mac OS X 10.12.6.

    I've also tried the latest beta version of 1Password 6.8-1 beta 1 and the browser exentension

    Chrome and safari extensions work fine.

    I've seen several threads about this issue, but no solutions real forthcoming other than try the latest version etc.

  • gbyron
    Community Member

    Resolved! I downloaded the latest version of Firefox (not Waterfox) It picked up all the Waterfox settings and 1Password worked. So that's the fix. Phew!! 'You dunno what you've got 'til it's gone ...'

    So recap: Latest version of Firefox 55.0 (64 bit) is what you want. Have fun!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wibbel,

    I've found the email you sent us about this issue, have replied, and we'll keep the conversation going there to get this resolved.

    ref: EKC-97975-495

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gbyron,

    Glad to hear 1Password is working again after your switch from Waterfox to the current version of Firefox. Thanks for letting us know that was a successful transition! :+1:

  • lkgeorge
    Community Member

    I had the same problem starting about 2 days ago (also OS X 10.11.6): the Firefox add-on wasn't working (grayed out), but it worked ok on Opera. A Google search indicated that I should update 1Password, but the within-app update process looped (I was on 1Password 6.7, pretty recent). After seeing this post I manually downloaded & installed 1Password and the add-on started working again. I wonder if there's a broader way to let people know about this, because it takes a bit of research to get it working again.

  • skiaddict1
    Community Member

    Thanks. It was the older 1P app that was causing it.

  • @lkgeorge,

    1Password 6.7 isn't recent enough. The 1Password Extension 4.6.9 requires 6.8 or newer.


  • Bobalaska
    Community Member

    I had same issue. I was advised to use the Firefox beta extension (1Password Beta That fixed it; works perfectly.

  • lkgeorge
    Community Member

    @rudy, yes--understood (about 6.7). My concern is that the Firefox update stopped working without notice, requiring research and several attempts to update the plugin and 1Password itself--the standard update process looped through downloading, extracting, downloading again, etc. Glad I happened across this forum thread, but other customers might not.

  • You're right, @lkgeorge. Somehow we should find a way of making that kind of thing more clear.


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