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I am totally confused ...

Community Member

Hi guys,

i am looking through Google and already found quite some topics about what it is I probably want to know, but man, its confusing the hell out of me.

What I did so far. I installed 1Password (through Mac App Store). So I did the monthly price thingy for my Account. And I imported (successfully) my LastPass data into 1Password. Thank god, that worked. ;)

But here its where things confuse the hell out of me, and to be honest I think thats a little bit deserved.

Ok, so i also installed 1Password (through iOS App Store) and logged in with the same Account i use on my Mac. Also worked. So it imports all my Passwords and stuff, and I am almost happy that things went so well.

Now I wonder, where is the iCloud sync ? Looking up infos on that on Google, and can even see screenshots of the Preferences with that Sync button, however I dont have that. So I look on migrating from one vault/account to another, so I can finally use iCloud sync. And I even get that working. But now there is that PRIMARY vault, and not only my first vault, called PERSONAL, anymore. So the Sync now works with the PRIMARY vault (which is quite empty), but not with the PERSONAL vault which has all my data.

And out of a sudden I get confused about 1password account, and account and stuff and **+'#'##*sd+#++ .... i dont even know where I am at anymore right now ^^ :chuffed:

Why is there now a 2nd vault, and why is only that new/second vault the one being able to sync with iCloud and why do I need to create another account (??????????) after not long ago, I already created one.... and why is my data in the one I cannot sync... ???

Man, I mean, i heard sooo much good things about 1Password, which is why I want to try it. But I mean, you cant make it a bit easier ? Really, I dont know what to do right now. There is all that help pages and stuff, but i am still not sure what I have to do now, and why ?

Sorry, dont be mad on me, its not that I am stupid ^^ but I think you made things a bit overkill complicated with that, or lets call it very confusing.
If someone here could pretend that I am an idiot :) and dont know what is going on and maybe make a list of steps I need to do (without confusing the hell out of me ^^ if possible) in order to get my data from the PERSONAL vault into the PRIMARY vault, which then syncs with iCloud.

My head is burning now :( ... sorry for being, as it appears, stupid.


1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.8 (680014) Mac App Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOSx 10.12.6
Sync Type: Still working on that


  • HI Wolfseye - Welcome to the 1Password family :smile: Sorry for the confusion and I'll be happy to help out. It sounds like you signed up for a 1Password membership. One of the benefits of having a 1Password membership is we take care of all the syncing on our end so you don't have to manage a sync method such as iCloud sync. To get a better understanding on how 1Password is currently set up, I sent you over an email with instructions on how to send me a Diagnostics Report. I'll have a clearer picture and will be able to assist you more effectively. Let's continue the conversation via email and I look forward to hearing back from you soon :+1:

    ref: NRQ-76417-644

  • Wolfseye
    Community Member

    Thank you, and I sen the diagnostic result back. Got an reply after that, that the person on the other end didnt even know why I sent that. So I had to reply via Mail again, linking to this post, so this person would know why i sent the report. ;)

    You gotta admit, you guys do love confusion. ;)

  • Hi Wolfseye, I received the email and report, I'll reply back to you shortly :smile:

  • Wolfseye
    Community Member

    Thank you for all your help. ;) All working now.

  • You're very welcome and it was nice to work with you :smile: Keep us posted if you run into any questions along the way, we're always here if you need us :+1:

  • iCollector
    Community Member

    HAHA!!! Me too - I was an idiot for up[grading! The 1Password I have used since - gee - soooo long ago worked perfectly and simply. I synced with Dropbox and nary an issue. Now, Like you, I'm struggling with multiple vaults, and missing data, no selection to sync with my existing dropbox where all my passwords have been!

    Thankfully at least one of my devices has all my data.

    In my opinion, the new 'model' is fraught with too much confusion, and a lack of useful documentation.... BTW - I already submitted a request ticket to see what may be cleared up.

  • Hi iCollector - Thank you for sending over the email and I just replied back to you. Let's continue the conversation over there and I look forward to getting you back on track :smile: Talk to you soon.

    ref: IZB-14689-212

This discussion has been closed.