Current and previous passwords swapped, last modified date wrong

Community Member

I've been using 1Password for a long time to access a website (by which I mean, I know that the passwords were working correctly until just now). Today, I filled the password in the usual way and the website said the password was wrong. On revealing the password in 1Password, I recognised that the stored "current" password is actually an old one.

At first I thought my 1Password database might have been replaced with an old version, but I could see other 1Password entries that were definitely much more recent than when this old password was last valid.

Instead, I found that the current password and the old one have become swapped in 1Password's "Previously used passwords". Let's call the correct, current password "current-password", and the older password I used to use "old-password". So, 1Password shows:

The allegedly current password at the top of the entry in the 1Password UI: old-password
Previously used passwords:
24 May 2016, 10:14 old-password
23 Mar 2010, 22:24 current-password < copying this one manually lets me log in to the site successfully
last modified 23 Mar 2010 at 22:24
created 23 Mar 2010 at 22:24

I can't be sure, but the 2010 date is plausibly when I originally put "old-password" into 1Password, and the 2016 date is plausibly when I updated it to "current-password". So it looks as though these are somehow swapped, but also that the "last modified" date is wrong (it should presumably show the 2016 date).

Do you know what might be going on here?

1Password Version: 6.8 (680015)
Extension Version: 4.6.9
OS Version: 10.12.6
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @nettle,

    Hrmmm.... The only thing that I can think of is that the item may have gone through sync conflict resolution where it chose the wrong password. This could happen if you had a device that hadn't synced in a long time where it still had the old password as the current password, along with another edit that it wanted to push to other devices. Due to how sync via dropbox works, this could result in the proper current password being put in the previously used passwords and the old password being put in the password field.

    Is that something that's possible in this case?

    Conflict resolution in sync is quite difficult to get 100% right in 100% of cases. Especially when you don't control the whole of the sync machinery like in the case of Dropbox.


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