Migrated via USB Drive Program Does Not Open with Master Password

Community Member


I have a new MacBook Pro and wish to migrate data from my desktop to a laptop.

I have followed the directions precisely and synced my data using a flash drive-when I click on the OPVault on the USB flash drive, I am taken to the 1Password password screen. When I input my master password, the system will not accept it and the program does not open. When I return to my desktop and use the same password, the program opens.

I have a license and have spent hours trying to migrate this data both via iCloud and via USB and neither works as the program does not accept my master password on the new device.

Can you please give me a solution so I can access hundreds of passwords?


1Password Version: 6.6.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.12.6
Sync Type: USB


  • @gpb,

    Had that other machine already been setup with 1Password with its own primary vault? If so then that's the password you'd want to use there. If you really want the vault that's on your flash drive to be your primary vault (and reset that machine's configuration) you can do Help -> Troubleshooting -> Reset all 1Password data. Upon launching 1Password after the rest you can then pick that vault file to be the source for configuring 1Password's primary vault.


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