Migrating from old 1Password v3.8 to Current online account version. Online help guides, not helping

Community Member


I'm migrating from my old 1Password v3.8 (family) to the current online account version (family). The online help guides, are not helping me.

I've got my new online account setup just fine and have it open now. ( I also backed up my old 1Password v3.8.)
I tried to follow the online guide and video, but I am not seeing the same windows/info. Also, I had to choose a much longer PW for my new 1Password than my previous 1Password v3.8...so they don't synch up that way either.

Maybe I am having a brain hiccup, but I don't understand how to migrate the data.
Could someone guide me on how to migrate my data from my old 1Password 3.8 to the online account version?


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @JustMeHere: No problem! Sorry for the confusion there. You just need to update the app to be able to use a 1Password.com account (and for it to look the way it does in the guides). Which version of macOS are you using there? Do you have other devices you want to use with 1Password? If so, be sure to let me know their OS versions as well, and I'll walk you through getting everything setup. Thanks in advance! :)

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Hi Brent,

    I found some time to get back to this...Okay so here's my stats:

    • Macbook Pro
    • OSX ElCapitan 10.11.6
    • 1Password (My old version is 3.8.22) I made a backup too.
      -Just signed up for the online version

    I only want to move data from this mac's 1Password (3.8.22) to my new account.

    I'm not sure what you mean by updating the app. Do you mean I have to update my 3.8.22 to a version between it and the current online version? How do I do that? Can you guide me? I think there are some gaps to the instructions online for folks who have very old versions.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JustMeHere - I can't tell from your description which set of instructions you found yourself trying to follow, but these instructions should work very well. You're certainly using a modern-enough version of OS X for it not to be a problem. If you haven't followed these instructions, give that a try and let us know how it goes. If you've already been to this page and this is where you're getting stuck, can you tell us at what point in the process the problem is occurring? Thanks!

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Forgot to add...

    I am having issues updating my old 1Password 3.8.22. I tried to update it from the application's main menu...but it's not working for me.
    So I went to the downloads page:

    From this page, I clicked on the update: 1Password 6.8.1
    It's downloaded to my desktop...but I am hesitant to update.
    Will it preserve my old data/logins/pws?


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JustMeHere,

    Thanks for the version info.

    I'm not sure what you mean by updating the app. Do you mean I have to update my 3.8.22 to a version between it and the current online version? How do I do that? Can you guide me?

    Here are the instructions for upgrading:

    How to upgrade from 1Password 3 on your Mac

    If you run into any trouble with this we'd like to continue helping you directly through email. To do that, please use the 1Password Troubleshooting tool to generate a diagnostics report:

    How to send a 1Password diagnostics report (Mac)

    You'll receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a support ticket ID. If you post that ticket ID here we can track down your email with the report more quickly and assist you with getting this sorted out. Thanks in advance!

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Hi AGLars,

    I've visited the link you provided. I've gone through those steps...but reached a screeching halt here:

    This link advises to uninstall 1Password extension BEFORE upgrading.
    "Step 1: Uninstall the 1Password 3 extension"
    Use the steps here to uninstall:

    When I try to uninstall the 1Password 3 extension, I can't complete the task in firefox (my main browser)...because I don't believe I have the extension installed. I've always manually entered my data to keep a tighter control. I don't believe I have ever used the extension. When I try to complete the task in safari, I don't get the key or + symbol. As noted in the instructions below:

    Click the 1Password "key" button in your browser’s toolbar.
    Click the + button in the top right corner.
    Give the Login item a recognizable name — something like “Ready to uninstall 1Password 3 extension!”

    Click the Save button in the top right corner.

    Even though I have the safari 1 password extension ( I checked the safari prefs) I can't reproduce the same steps noted above to remove the extension.

    So now I'm in a quandary...where do I go from here?


  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Hi SJK,

    Yes, I am ready to pull out my hair. I will send diagnostic report.


  • JustMeHere
    Community Member


    I've sent my diagnostics report....

    The sticky point as (noted above) for me is that I can't get past the "Step 2" ...the step prior to uninstalling the extension.
    If I knew it was safe to upgrade without uninstalling the extension I would do that...if I need to do "Step 2", then I am stuck.

    I am not sure exactly what "Step 2" does...is this a step to save the database? Can I just save the 1P db from the main menu?

    Very frustrating...

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Ugh...Just to let you know.

    Of course, I could not use the option to email directly from your 1Password Troubleshooting App, so I had to send the email from my gmail account and attach the diagnostics report as a zip file.

    So the bitbot sent me a generic thank you confirmation receipt. I did NOT get a trouble ticket or a trouble ticket number.
    So I can't tell you what my trouble ticket number is...cause I don't have one.

    Ugh #4

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JustMeHere,

    We received your email with the diagnostics - thanks for sending that in, and explaining where you've been having difficulty with the instructions. We'll look over the diagnostics as soon as possible and reply to you through email.

    Sorry for the trouble finding the support ticket ID. Right now it only shows up in the Subject of the BitBot response, which isn't obvious, and I've suggested to our team that it also be clearly included in the message body.

    ref: LGE-21691-755

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    No the trouble ticket # is not in the subject line....just my original email title with a reply from agilebits that shows a generic confirmation with links to KB articles and links.

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Waiting for instructions on saving my data from 3.8 and migrating it to my new online account...thanks.

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Well I have followed the instructions provided above and in the email sent from support and installed 6.8.1.
    NONE of my old data (vaults with logins and pws) are available from my 3.8 version.

    I am now at this link:

    None of these steps are working for me. All I can see is an empty vault in the online account I signed up for the day before. None of my local data from v 3.8 is accessible...anywhere.

    How can i migrate my 3.8 vault to the online vault or the 6.8.1 app?


  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Please tell me my data is still there...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @JustMeHere: I'm sorry for the confusion. We don't have your data. 1Password 3 stores it in an AgileKeychain vault on your computer. 1Password 6 can read this vault. Have you installed 1Password 6 yet? When you open it, you'll almost certainly see all of your data right away.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2017

    @JustMeHere: I think I may have misunderstood some of your many earlier comments. Can you clarify something for me? Did you setup 1Password 6 by signing into your 1Password.com account, instead of using your existing data (as outlined in the guide sjk linked earlier)? If you'll let us know what you've done (especially if it differs than the instructions we sent) and where you're running into trouble we'll be better able to assist you. Thanks in advance!

    P.S: This Support ID is in the subject line of the email sent earlier: [#LGE-21691-755]

    ref: LGE-21691-755

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member


    Thanks for responding.

    Yes, I know 1Password 3 stored the vault data locally on my computer. And I made sure I backed it up through my 3.8 before I upgraded to 6.8.

    I followed everything carefully in the link given me by sjk. I see nothing but my empty online account.
    How can I retrieve my vault from 3.8?

    PS: That support ID number is NOT showing up (in the subject line or the body) on ANY of my gmail emails from you guys.


  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    I am so screwed...MY data is gone right?

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Great. Is there anyway to get my 3.8 data back...can I get it from my time machine backups.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I am so screwed...MY data is gone right?

    @JustMeHere: No, not unless you deleted it. If you open 1Password 3, do you see it there? Even if you deleted it, since you have backups, you can always restore from that.

    PS: That support ID number is NOT showing up (in the subject line or the body) on ANY of my gmail emails from you guys.

    Then your email client is probably hiding it for some reason. You may be able to see it by viewing the headers or more details about the message...but at this point it doesn't matter. We've got your email. ;)

    I followed everything carefully in the link given me by sjk. I see nothing but my empty online account. How can I retrieve my vault from 3.8?

    It doesn't sound like it. The instructions there say "On the Welcome screen, choose the correct option below 'Used 1Password before?' to find your 1Password data." It seems like you signed into your 1Password.com account instead. Is that the case? Again, without more information it's hard to say for certain, but if so, here's what you need to do:

    1. Lock 1Password
    2. Go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password data
    3. Open 1Password again, and under "Used 1Password before?" select More Options > Search my Mac
    4. Select the .agilekeychain file from there to load your existing data from 1Password 3
    5. Follow this guide to migrate the data to your 1Password.com account

    Let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing back from you!

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member


    If you noticed from my earlier posts I have upgraded to 1Password 6.8. I followed the instructions which said to move my 3.8 version to the trash to upgrade. So I don't have 3 available anymore.

    When the upgrade window asked if 'Used 1Password before?' I clicked on that option.
    I followed the screen prompts. Yes it looks like it logged me into the online account and 6.8 app. BUT, I was not presented with any other options. I couldn't find any way to get to my old 3.8 vault/data. So I logged out/quit the app.

    My 1Password 6.8 app is not open/launched. I am currently not logged in online. I see your instructions above. I have questions before I move forward.

    Lock 1Password

    When you say lock it? You mean the 1Password 6.8 app? Correct? So you want me to launch the 6.8 app but NOT unlock it?

    Go to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password data

    I'm afraid to move forward on this step...before you answer my question above. Also If I am using 6.8 now how can it reset all my data when there is nothing there?


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JustMeHere - That's right. Do not unlock 1Password (if it is locked, you will see the lock screen with the keyhole graphic. If 1Password is UNlocked, you'll need to click the gray padlock icon in the very top right-hand corner of the main window of the 1Password app). Then proceed with the rest of the steps brenty outlined for you. We know a command like "Reset All 1Password Data" seems like it might end in disaster, but it won't. What you'll be resetting is only whatever is contained in the app currently, which you say is nothing.

    We need to take this step to give you a fresh start, so you can import your existing version 3.8 data. When 1Password is first launched, there are NO vaults, so it presents you with that screen to make some choices about how to proceed. I'm not sure what happened last time, but if you've got 1Password open but empty, then that means you've created at least one blank vault, which is not what you want or need; you want to begin by importing your existing, version 3.8 data. The best way to do that cleanly is by resetting (which removes the empty vault that currently exists) and starting fresh.

    Remember, during all this time -- unless you specifically deleted it yourself (which you didn't), the older version 3.8 data has sat untouched. It just needs to be imported into the new version. Resetting the new version by following brenty's instructions will get you where you want to be. Just make sure you choose More Options > Search my Mac as brenty suggested, when you go to set it up again, after resetting. Let us know how it goes!

  • JustMeHere
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Thanks for your thorough explanation. Your explanation and Brent's instructions helped! I know have my old data in the 1Password 6.8 app on my local mac drive.

    I'm going to migrate the data to my online account (step 5 above) when I get another break in my schedule today. Get back to you on how that goes later today.

    Thanks to you ALL for your help!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JustMeHere - Hey hey! Glad to hear everything eventually worked out in the end. That last step should be among the easiest, so whenever you have a few moments, give it a go and you should be all set! If you'd like to delete your old Primary vault once you're certain all the data has been transferred over, all you need to do is open 1Password Preferences and click on Advanced (the gear icon at the top-right of the bar), and DEselect the box at the bottom labeled Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts. That will remove your now-unnecessary Primary vault, and leave you with just your 1Password account vaults!

This discussion has been closed.