Software update not working - getting stuck at end of download

Community Member
edited September 2017 in Mac

Hi there,

I'm attempting to update to the latest software. I'm currently on 6.8.1 and I use 1password6 on my Mac.

I can get to the software update screen (first photo) and click the update and relaunch button. This starts the downloading process (second photo). This process appears to be working (third photo) but when the bar is about 90% done it just resets back to the identical screen we see in the first photo and doesn't update. I've tried it numerous times, I've restarted the computer, nothing seems to be working.

Any ideas?


1Password Version: 6.8.1
Extension Version: 681006
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    Hey @sbills78 -- Ideas? Sure, I've got plenty...but let's see if we can get you one that actually works. :) For starters, I'd like you to restart your Mac and see if that has any effect. I know, I know, it's a tech support cliché -- but that's because of how often it works! Something behind the scenes, a background process has failed, or something else is getting in the way of a successful update process. Give that a shot first, and also please make sure your copy of 1Password is installed in your Applications folder. If you continue to get these results, let us know.

  • Jill_Perrin_16
    Community Member

    i had the same problem. and sent to 'support' email at agilebits. the rep told me to delete 1pw from my applications, empty trash, the go to 1pw_dowloads and start over. it downloaded smoothly. per an email:


    Thank you for taking the time to write to us here at AgileBits. What I'd like to have you try is deleting and reinstalling 1Password manually. To do so, first make a backup of your data from "File > Backup" from the Menubar in 1Password, then quit 1Password and 1Password mini with the Control-Option-Command-Q keyboard shortcut. Then, simply drag the 1Password 6 app to the Trash from the Applications folder and empty the Trash (don't use any app cleaners, such as CleanMyMac. Just delete it the regular way so as to not risk losing your 1Password database as well). Reboot the Mac and reinstall 1Password from our page.


    Andrew Costen
    Support Hero @ AgileBits"

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Jill_Perrin_16: Glad that helped! Indeed, if the app is damaged to begin with it may not be able to update normally. Glad that reinstalling helped! :)

    @sbills78: But an even more common issue is that the download is corrupt, or something else is interfering. Just to be clear, it sounds like you're trying to update to 6.8.1, as that's a the latest version, and you shouldn't have an update if you're already running that. Let me know if downloading the update directly from the website helps!

  • arnoldjm
    Community Member

    I'm seeing the same behavior as @sbills78.

    I haven't been able to do an update via the 1Password updater in recent memory: I always have to go to the downloads page, download the update and then re-install to get the new version. It appears I'll have to do that once again.

    Are there no log files or other detritus left around that would help to understand what's happening?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @arnoldjm: You can check the console. It should tell you the error, which would indicate what exactly is failing: the secure connection, the download, the integrity check, or decompression.

  • arnoldjm
    Community Member

    In the console, I see this sequence of entries:

    default 11:02:07.366464 -0400 1Password Updater MacOS error: -67054

    default 11:02:07.366577 -0400 1Password Updater Failed to validate the static code signature for file:///Applications/ with error code -67054

    default 11:02:07.614166 -0400 1Password Updater Bundle passed static code validation: file:///var/folders/4t/tgnq9qz97ml8n7w0rmftstg00000gn/T/1Password/

    default 11:02:07.617760 -0400 1Password Updater Codesign validation failed: -67688

    It appears an error of -67054 means "errSecCSBadResouce". Xcode's description of that error is "A sealed resource is missing or invalid." Whatever that might mean.

    I can't find a text description of -67688 but it's appeared in the Mac support forum before: @sb_amacpos on 2017/06/29 and by @rudy on 2017/02/20 which mentions problems caused by Apple's change to signature strings.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @arnoldjm: Yeah that looks like the check is failing. Try moving the app to the Trash, restarting your Mac, and installing a fresh copy of the previous version. Are you able to update then?

  • arnoldjm
    Community Member

    That worked: I was able to run the 6.8.1 updater successfully on the freshly installed 6.8. So far, everything looks good.

    Thanks, @brenty.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @arnoldjm - great! On behalf of brenty and all of us, glad to hear that worked for you. Let us know if you need anything else.

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