Adding a new Mac to an old "Family" 1P license

Community Member
edited September 2017 in Mac

Given the new 1Password design, please recommend how we should proceed with installation of a new MacBook Air

Our family situation for 1Password is as follows:

Our current1Password license is:
1Password for Mac (purchased 8/24/2014)
Current 1P6 Update: v 6.8(680016) - AgileBits Store
“Can be used by 5 people on as many Macs as necessary”

PRIMARY USER: MacMini (late 2012)
OSX El Capitan v 10.11.6
Firefox v 55.03 (64 bit) - “Firefox is up to date”
1Password Firefox extension is installed, and used routinely
1Password Safari extension is also installed, but not used, except for testing

The OSX software on this MacMini will NOT be upgraded in the foreseeable future
due to essential 3rd party (financial) software incompatibility with latest OSX.
Back-up of selected data from the MacMini is to a local flash drive

1Password is on two other family devises: wife’s iPad and daughter’s MacBook
The primary vault plus individualized secondary vaults are in-synch via DropBox
OSX operating systems on these 2 devises are updated routinely, as needed.

We have purchased new MacBook Air (9/4/2017) which WILL BE updated as needed.
This laptop is currently being set up, and MAY be backed up to Apple iCloud.
MacOS Sierra v 10.12.5
Firefox v 55.03 (64 bit) - “Firefox is up to date”
Neither 1Password nor Firefox 1P-extention are installed yet/

Specific directions for installing 1P6 will be sincerely appreciated ...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    Hi @Lamplighter - none of that sounds out of line to me -- your existing license grants you the ability for up to 5 people in the same household to install 1Password for Mac on as many Macs as each of you owns/uses. That means if each person has a desktop Mac and a laptop Mac, you can all install and use 1Password for Mac on all those devices.

    Installing 1Password 6 for Mac should be relatively simple for you, as it appears you've already done it at least one other time. Head over to the main 1Password downloads page and grab a copy of the latest 1Password for Mac (currently 6.8.1). You'll get a package installer file (e.g. 1Password-6.8.1.pkg) in your Downloads folder or wherever you have your browser set to download to. Open the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions. That's it!

    You'll need to obviously install Dropbox as well on these other Mac(s), but once you've done that, you can run 1Password and choose to find your data on Dropbox at the startup screen. Once you're set up with a Primary vault, you can open your Dropbox folder in Finder and double-click on the OPVault folder for each vault you want on each new Mac, and it should create a new vault right within 1Password. Happy syncing!

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    OK, I am now further down the road, but suddenly realize I had forgotten how 1P6 uses passwords assigned for multiple vaults. The problem for me now is that the MasterPassword gives access to all of the multiple vaults.

    I assumed that my wife and I would use the same MasterPassword to open the "primary" vault. This is because both my wife and I use the same Logins for websites in this primary vault. So far, nothing unusual.

    But ast to the 2nd vault:
    It has it's own name ("Lamplighter") and it's own password. The Logins in this 2nd vault are business-oriented, and I wanted a user to vault#2 to enter a second password. At least that was my plan, but of course the MasterPassword allows access to ALL vaults. And, the password for vault #2 does not open 1P at all.

    Is there any way to modify this situation at this stage to do what I was trying to do... i.e. require access to vault#2 only via the 2nd password.

    If not, what is the intended use of different passwords for each of multiple vaults ?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter -- Are you and your wife using 1Password in the same user account on your Mac? Or do you have different devices and different user accounts on a shared Mac?

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    I think this is described in my first posting above...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter - If you're using Dropbox to share vaults between users, you should share the business-oriented secondary vault ("Lamplighter") with only those people you wish to have access to the business data contained in it. Here are the instructions for both sharing a vault via Dropbox and stopping an existing share with another user.

    In terms of requiring a second password - the password for the "Lamplighter" vault, no, you can't require people to enter a second password for that vault, unless you decide to share ONLY that vault with them, and that vault is their ONLY (i.e., Primary) vault. Then they would indeed need the vault password for "Lamplighter" because it would be your their only vault. Any other 1Password user with whom you share that vault would require the vault password for "Lamplighter" the first time they added it to 1Password for Mac (or iOS), and then afterwards, it would be unlocked by their own Master Password.

    Hope that gives you enough information to get you where you want to be, but if not, let us know.

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    @Lars Thanks much for all the information... I think I understand what you've said. And so, I do need to re-think what I am doing here, because my original ideas probably will never work out. In any case, I appreciate the help...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter -- there's a great deal that can be done with Dropbox sharing in 1Password -- and some things that can't. We've got mad love for Dropbox -- they were our first cloud-based sync method, and until 1Password accounts, the ONLY way to share/sync data between users (unless you were sharing an Apple ID with another person, never a great idea).

    But if you want the utmost in flexibility and ease of sharing (as well as a ton of other features), I'd suggest checking out a 1Password membership. Let us know if you have any questions!

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    @Lars Back on 9 /6 and 9/11 above, I described what I was trying to do. My model changed a bit, and I was able to get our NEW MacBook up and running. The 1P6 passwords are working now, but we decided to wait on the DropBox connection.

    But now I am having an issue with 1P6 on the MacBook being inactivated, with the msg that the "Trial Period expired - Click here to Purchase". (All of the 1P6 data is present, but the OPEN button is not active.)
    I suspect that I need to copy my "Family license" onto the MacBook, but don't remember how to find and install it.

    Lars, do you think this is the problem, and can you suggest the steps to be taken ?

    Any help will certainly be appreciated....

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter: Unfortunately 1Password has no way of knowing whether or not you've purchased it unless you register the app with your license information.

    But the good news is that all you need to do is follow the instructions in the license email you received from your purchase and click the link to automatically install the license in 1Password to register the app and remove the trial restrictions. In that spirit, I've also resent your license information via email. Cheers! :)

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member
    edited October 2017

    @brenty Thanks for your reply and for sending the email Agilebits summary of mylicenses.

    I did manage to install the license on our new MacBook, and a the msg alert that 1P6 is licensed. Hooray !
    BUT, ... Now that 1P6 is working properly on both my Mac-Mini and the MacBook for several personal logins, I think some Halloween gremlins are acting out . . .

    To come post this comment, I had to come via logging into AgileBits>ContactUs>Support>.
    I can no longer access this 1Password forum directly via my 1P6 login !
    That is, in using my regular 1P6 login for this forum, I repeatedly get a red banner msg saying: "Please try again"

    Any immediate explanation for this weird behavior, or suggestions ?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter - I can't think of a reason why you'd get that message, unless the login item saved had something wrong with it. What I'd recommend is trashing the current login item you have for our discussion forum, then logging out and going to the main sign-in page and entering your credentials manually (you can copy/paste them from the item in the trash), then allow 1Password to re-save your login. Let us know how that works for you.

  • Lamplighter
    Community Member

    @Lars That fixed it !

    Once again, thanks for your quick and effective replies...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lamplighter - glad that worked out for you! Let us know if there's anything else we can do to assist. :)

This discussion has been closed.