Delete Old Vault (Previous Version)
I had a previous version of 1Password installed on all my devices. I recently purchased 1Password 6 and have successfully transferred all my data to the cloud vault. The only issue I still have is the old vault "Primary" is still there on my iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc. This old vault was synchronized with dropbox. I'd like to delete this off all my devices and delete the data from dropbox. Can someone please tell me how to do this?
Thank you,
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Delete Old Vault (Previous Version)
Hi there @bobmixon :)
Congratulations on the new 1Password account. Deleting your old Primary vault is no problem at all. As outlined here the instructions are as follows:Mac:
To remove your old Primary vault, choose 1Password menu > Switch to Vault > Primary. Then choose 1Password menu > Delete Vault.
To remove your old Primary vault, tap Settings > Vaults > Primary. Then tap Delete Vault.
Hope that helps :)
Corey0 -
Thanks for chiming in here Corey! I hope Corey's advice helps, Bob.
0 -
Worked like a champ, thank you very much!
0 -
Cheers. Glad it worked. :+1: :)
0 -
:+1: :)