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Merging old password app to new app

Community Member

I got this app several years ago for free. I am haivng problems merging the Old Password app with the new app. I don’t want to lose my information. It is stored on my old IPad, I recently upgraded to a new iPad

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I got this app free several years ago, don’t remeber registering. Trying to merge old and new acct.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @SDailey! I can certainly understand not wanting to lose the data you store in 1Password. Can you tell me a little more about your setup? If your original copy of 1Password was "several years ago," that means you were using standalone vaults. Have you now set up a account? Or are you just looking to upgrade your device and your version of the 1Password app?

    May I ask: what version of 1Password and of iOS were you using up to now, and what version(s) have you switched to?

  • BobRam
    Community Member
    edited October 2017

    Have similar problem. Developer of Password App is gone could not find any way to export data to a newly considered app.. This Password app was most likely a stand alone as you described above. It was free simple, and worked great. I wanted to print out the data that I stored over the years but could not figure out a way to do that---Can't view the app on my Mac that I sync do. Just upgraded new Apple OS on iphone and can't open the app at all! Advised by Apple to do icloud back up then erase iphone data and restore to previous backup---(older OS) to retrieve data. Problem is last backup was more than 2 versions ago and I may not be able to? Any ideas?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    HI @BobRam - sorry to hear you're having difficulties just now. Who was the developer of Password App? I'm not familiar with that one.

  • tbaringer
    Community Member

    Hello, just upgraded my 1Password from old free app v3.6.5 to new v6.9.1 and set up online account. Suffering same problem not being able to bridge data from old ver. to new ver. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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