cant locate secret key. directions online dont work
my work computer was just re-imaged. i need to reinstall onepassword and the chrome extension. to do so, i need my "secret key", however the online directions to retrieve it on working ios devices or by sign in online, require that very same secret key. HELP. im desperate.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I just had my computer reimaged at work and need to reinstall one password
HI @mdecker - sorry to hear you're having trouble locating your Secret Key. The Secret Key is a component of accounts, and the reason I suspect you're having trouble locating yours is that unless you registered for a account with a different email address than you registered for this forum using, you don't have a 1Password account. Please do not post your email address(es) in this public forum.
It sounds to me as if you may have had a standalone license for 1Password instead. If you've been using 1Password for a few year in the same way, that's almost certainly the case. Which brings me to the next issue: were you syncing your 1Password data with any other devices? If so, by what method -- Dropbox? iCloud (if on a Mac)? WLAN? Because your computer was re-imaged, unless you have either available backups of your old system OR were syncing your previous 1Password setup, it may not be possible to recover that data, if it was present only on the computer that was wiped and re-imaged. Can you let us know if you have available backups or were syncing?
NOTE: if you believe you DO have a account instead of a standalone license, we'll need to look you up in our back office database
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Hi Lars. thanks.
i originally bought 1 password for mac, with an extra license for my windows work computer. i sync both, along with an iPad and iPhone with dropbox. all devices are currently up to date, except the windows computer. i believe i do have an agilebits account, as i just drove home from my office to get my mac, and I'm able to log into the website and see my "key" online on my mac. is that the secret key they are referring to?
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I'm now on the mac and while i can log into agile bits, when i log into the program 1password, preferences, accounts, it appears that my account is not registered there. when i try to do so, it doesn't work.
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@mdecker - not sure what you mean when you say "log into AgileBits." If you have a account, the login address would either be (if you have an individual account) or https://(chosen name) for a 1Password Families or 1Password Teams account.
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im referring to logging into
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i guess what i need to know is , when i get a new computer, how can i download the one password app onto it, then sync it with my other devices. I've now looked on the computer i originally purchased with app with, my iPhone, iPad and other mac, and none of them have the "secret key" i apparently need to log in to download the browser extension or program.
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@mdecker -- You can certainly download the current version of 1Password 4 for Windows and your existing license should work just fine in that. You won't be able to use 1Password 6 for Windows, because it requires a account for that, but all your existing sync methods (like connecting to Dropbox or WLAN to import previous vaults) will be available just like you remember them.
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ok. ill give it a try. can you tell me, what is the benefit to having a 1password account as compared to what i have now?
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ok. now im back in the office and when i log in to, i can dowload the application, but when i launch it, it again asks me for my "secret key" and to log into
this is really frustrating. what can i do next, as i dont think i have such a key.
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@mdecker -- Ahhh, glad you asked!
Although 1Password accounts use the same 1Password apps you already know and love (with one exception; 1Password for Windows, which uses the newer 1Password 6 for Windows instead of 1Password 4 for Windows, for a couple of reasons), the overall experience of a account is much smoother and more robust. No more messing around with making sure you've got an up-to-date license for the current version of 1Password (sometimes on multiple platforms, as in your case!), because unlimited access to all four 1Password apps (Windows, Mac, iOS and Android) is included with the account, including all future upgrades, for as long as you maintain the account. No more messing around with manual sync methods; setting them up, making sure they're working properly, dealing with troubleshooting them when they're not. Instead, just sign in on each device or browser, and your data is (nearly) instantly available, everywhere you need it. Increased security. No-fuss offsite backups, including individual item history (instead of having to restore entire vaults if something goes wrong). If you want the full list of why we're so jazzed about 1Password accounts -- here it is!