1Password Safari extension bug

Community Member


I just found a small bug in the Safari extension (1Password 6.8.2 and Safari Extension 4.6.11 on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and Safari 11.0).
When I trigger the extension with the default shortcut command-$ (or shift-command-$), it doesn't open if I'm focused on a form input. I have to click anywhere on the webpage to remove focus from the form and then do the shortcut again.

Would be nice to solve this. :)

1Password Version: 6.8.2
Extension Version: 4.6.11
OS Version: macOS 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @the_dreamer! :) Thanks for reporting this issue -- unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate it myself -- and I did notice a couple of things from your post. First off, the default shortcut in 1Password for Mac is Command + \ (backslash), not Command + $. I'm skeptical that it would make any difference, but you might try resetting to the defaults and then restarting both Safari and 1Password (and the mini) and trying again. You may also want to test this out over multiple login pages to see if perhaps it's an issue with just one specific page for some reason. Let us know what you discover!

  • the_dreamer
    Community Member

    Hello, thanks for the reply !
    It's very strange because it seems to be a random issue. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. For example right now I couldn't recreate this problem. I have another extension, uBlock, installed on Safari. Maybe it's the source of my problem… ?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @the_dreamer - uBlock shouldn't be an issue here. Although there are definitely certain other extensions one can add to a browser that have a significant possibility of interfering with 1Password, uBlock isn't one of them.

    What may be the problem - especially if it's intermittent for you, is the speed at which you switch applications. The hotkeys have to have a brief amount of time to register or unregister (depending on what you're doing), as you may have identical keystroke-combinations identified for other processes in different apps (not saying you do, just that you could). So in general, your "fix" for this if it occurs would be to switch away to another app, then switch back, and that should reset the registration state of the hotkeys. You can also quit/restart 1Password for Mac, which, while certainly not ideal in terms of time/effort/workflow continuity, would definitely work if nothing else does. Finally, the suggestion most likely to keep things from getting into a state that needs remediation is simply: slow down just a bit when switching into and out of applications rapidly.

    We're looking into ways to improve this for future updates, but for now those are the best suggestions I can make for you.

  • the_dreamer
    Community Member

    Thanks @Lars for the reply. I understand the problem, so I'll slow down my habits to switch apps. :p

    I just thought about another random issue I have with the extension (maybe it's related to my first problem) : I have a MBP late-2016 with Touch ID. If I trigger the shortcut to open and automatically fill the form, when the extension opens up the Touch ID pop-up, I put my finger down on the reader and the form is almost instantly filled, but the Touch ID pop-up stays opened and I have to click somewhere on the Safari window to close it. And it doesn't happen every time.

  • @the_dreamer: I could definitely see that as being something that could happen if you're a bit too speedy for 1Password, but given its reacting appropriately and filling for you right away, I'm a bit suspicious of that explanation. My Mac is a dinosaur and doesn't have Touch ID, but since I'm not seeing this in our issue tracker just yet I'll be sure to ask someone to give it a try and see if we're able to reproduce it on our end. Thanks for letting us know! :chuffed:

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