Unused CloudKitJS "enabled" on Mac

Community Member

My vault is maintained and synchronized locally on my Mac using wireless sync to Android. I do not use nor do I plan to use iCloud.

However the fairly new Mac user login item below is active on my system:
CloudKitJS Callback URL SMLoginItem - Hidden (AgileBits Inc. - installed 2017-09-19)
(/Applications/1Password 6.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper.app)

I've not found a way to disable this using 1Password and iCloud settings. Can it be?

1Password Version: 6.8.2
Extension Version: 4.6.11
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: Folder


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ag1pwun - thanks for writing in. :) While your computer is of course yours, entirely, we don't recommend opening the package contents of the 1Password application in most circumstances -- unless instructed by a support person here at AgileBits.

    If you're not using CloudKitJS, then no information is transmitted via that channel. /Applications/1Password 6.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper.app is the 1Password mini, which needs to be opened at login if you want to use 1Password without having to launch it out of the Applications folder. If you don't mind, you can un-check the box in Preferences > General that says "Keep 1Password Mini running at all times," although I don't recommend this option.

    May I ask what you're trying to accomplish, so I can have a better idea of what the best way to accomplish it might be? Thanks. :)

  • ag1pwun
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Thanks for your response.

    First, I definitely do want 1P Mini running at all times. That's not an issue.

    As far as CloudKitJS is concerned, I did not open the 1P package contents. I discovered the CloudKitJS login item when viewing the output from a very useful system analysis tool (EtreCheck). In order to maximize system performance and resources, I try to prevent anything from running (or even residing) on my Mac if not needed. So the question is, does this 'item' run in the background or otherwise use any system resources when not in use?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ag1pwun -- I'm not sure why you'd see the CloudKitJS item if you aren't now and never have used (or even briefly tried) the iCloud sync option. We couldn't get that same result here with our own attempts with EtreCheck, but I'd be loath to remove that item; it's not leaking any data, it's not doing anything - including draining resources - if you're not using iCloud sync, but the area you're referring to is where 1Password Mini is called. SMLoginItem is part of Apple's Service Management framework, which we use to launch the Mini.

    I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're into experimentation, you could try removing the item and seeing if behavior is affected. I'd make sure to make a fresh backup of current data before doing any such thing, as you may have to completely reinstall 1Password to restore lost functionality.

  • ag1pwun
    Community Member

    Thank you for researching this, I appreciate it. Based on your feedback I believe it best to not mess with this as I see no negative symptoms and, based on your feedback, I don't expect to see any.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @ag1pwun - you're quite welcome! We're always glad to see users taking proactive control over their own security processes, and we're happy to help in any way we can. :)

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