Item edits not immediately reflected extension-wide

I am passing along something I've noticed: When I edit an existing item -- change an item's title or username, etc. -- the changes aren't immediately reflected in the extension. For example, I just changed the title of the vault item containing my AgileBits forum logon from "AgileBits" to "AgileBits support forum." When I returned to the browser tab I was working in and clicked the extension icon, the suggested item still reads "AgileBits."

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 0.9.0
OS Version: Chrome OS 60.0.3112.114
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Mitch
    edited October 2017

    Hi @Deric.

    Thanks for reporting this. You've stumbled upon an eternal dilemma: when it comes to loading items, we can be fast, or we can be accurate. :)

    The question is, can we be a bit more accurate and not sacrifice too much speed? We'll see!


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