2 Macs, iPhone using same synced opvault via Dropbox, but not syncing properly(different # of items)

Dennis Fahringer
Dennis Fahringer
Community Member

I'm using 2 Macs, all with the latest version of 1Password, both on the latest macOS 10.13, plus an iPhone running the latest version, iOS 11.0.03. They are all set up to sync to the same opvault via Dropbox (latest version). They're not syncing correctly, though. My laptop has 501 items, My iMac has 487 items and just 483 items. How do I fix this to get them syncing properly with the same number of items?

1Password Version: 6.8.3 (683005)
Extension Version: 4.6.11
OS Version: OS 10.13
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Dennis Fahringer: Just to clarify, are you actually missing something, or are you going only on the numbers? It's possible we have a bug there. Otherwise, while we don't have any real control or insight into what might be going wrong with Dropbox, this guide will walk you through checking things to narrow down the problem:

    If you’re having trouble syncing with Dropbox

    Most importantly, what we see often is that all devices are syncing with Dropbox, just with different vaults. What's the path to the one each device is using?

  • Dennis Fahringer
    Dennis Fahringer
    Community Member

    Thanks for your reply, Brenty.

    I discovered the problem a few days ago. (I've also had the very same problem probably a year ago or so. It took a lot of time and hassle to get it syncing properly again.) I had gone to a site, created account with password (on my iMac), but discovered at home that that simply didn't exist in 1PW. So I had to go back to the site, act as if I'd forgotten my password and create a new one. That info, though, didn't show up on my 1PW on my iMac at the office.

    As far as I can tell (after checking it 2 or 3 times, is that the path for my iMac, laptop, and iPhone to where they sync in Dropbox is identical. So I really don't know why this is happening or how to solve it. I will check out the link you've kindly supplied. There is only one vault I use, BTW.

    Within Dropbox, there is one folder for my syncing 1PW, just one vault inside it for both my Macs and iPhone.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Dennis Fahringer - on behalf of brenty, you're welcome. Let us know if you discover anything new/unusual.

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