agile bits need some one to help restore password [conversation moved to email]
trouble sign in on my Skype password .now i dont know how to chance it.forget my authored put in a new password but the did not take now p need your help thats why i sign in with you ,but dont know how i can chance it,because i try to chance some and it did not work.i would love to have the same master passwoord i sign in with 1password.because all my other sites i have aim happy with 1 please help me [email address removed by AgileBits - please do not post it on our public forum]
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:need help to restore my password on Skype
hoping you can restore my skype password.i dont have an account with skype aim only use it tout money there for my phone calls.put i would like the same master password i sign in with 1 password pleas hope you can restore it.
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my 1password works great.but having a problem with skype password.the did not exempt my password i had in there.try to put a new one in .so microsoft blocked me its now 2 days i cant sign in still blocked.put in the master password i put in 1password and the did not take i need a new skype password,but the still block me.and this is why i need your help.give me an answer ist su frustating the only thing i need is my Skype password chanced.
thats personal email address redacted by admin1Password Version: blocked
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: safari
Sync Type:
Referrer: forum-search:aim blocked forget my password for my Skype your 1password is great only need Skype help0 -
some one was helping me to get my microsoft the blocked my skype account its was almost 2 weeks every time i want to sign in its blocked .i was helpless and when some one today help me my computer went blank ,so i closed it because i did not know what is going onso please would you help me and let me know whats happening.i wont close my computer .waiting for your reply .best regard rosmarie lefebvre
1Password Version: forget
Extension Version: =password
OS Version: safari
Sync Type:
Referrer: forum-search:send an email hoping you will give me an answer back0 -
please let me know if the turn of my computer .wont close it.but the only i was surprised the screen wnet blank .co let me know ok
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some one helped me.but with my blocked password from 1password is working great,but microsoft blocked me.having a big problem since 2 weeks i can not sign in because to many times the wanted a new password i gave him a new one then the told ok when i sign in the say to many times chanced this is why i was so happy to find 1password and aim happy.but trouble when iwent for my skype the did not let me sign in .blocked/
so this is my problem i would like to put my 1password in skype the way i was sign in with my master password i sign up with you
because i need help to get my password for my Skype/rosmarie lefebvre1Password Version: blocked
Extension Version: safari
OS Version:
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:would like help to restore my skype password is blocked0 -
some one start helping me to restore my blocked password on microsoft. the 1password works great.happy to sign up.but now the troubel is with microsoft evry time i want to sign ok then next time the wangtanother now for 2 weeks the block me every time .ist frustrating because thats why i sign up with 1 password and hope you can help me to get my blocked password back.i need it to sign in for my skype .so pleas try tom help me.some one worked and my screen got black could see nothing but a little round thing.waited but nothing happen so i closed up my computer and put it back on so i must have lost what was going i need your help tom restore,what ever th have done.please answer me back.
1Password Version: forget
Extension Version:
OS Version: safari
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:try to get some one ton answer about my microsoft block my passwort for 2 weeks help0 -
@swissrose28: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! Just to be clear, if youre having a problem with your Microsoft/Skype account itself, that isn't something we can help with.
Also, it sounds like you may be trying to use your 1Password Master Password to sign into your Microsoft/Skype account. That probably won't work. Unless you've set that same password for both, which I wouldn't recommend. Your Master Password should be long, strong, and unique from any other password:
How to choose a good Master Password
If you save your actual passwords for all of your accounts in 1Password, protected by your Master Password, the Master Password is the only one you need to remember. And that also lets you use really strong, random passwords for each site which no one could guess:
Change your passwords and make them stronger
There are a few possibilities for why you're having trouble and getting locked out of your Microsoft/Skype account, but it sounds like what it amounts to is you're not using the correct login credentials there. Did you save them in 1Password?
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mr prenty i never hat microsoft or Skype sign in 1password,but i wanted to to that so i wont have any more idont care i can put a diffrent password with microsoft,you know i did not know when i want to sign in for skype i had to sign in with microsoft.have no account with them only Skype,and thats where the trouble came evry time i wanted to sign in for new things the came and want a new password and that was the problem the blocked me since two weeks ,and thats why i try to get your help me.its so frustarting .thats why aim so happy to found 1password where there i have no more you going on installation type then i know not to close up my computer.i did not know there where doing installation .sorry for my long letter
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mr.prenty i need your help.let me know what you want me to do.please answer me what your planes are to help me.
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Hi @swissrose28! I can see that you've emailed us about your trouble with Skype as well, so let's continue the conversation on email – that way we can discuss specifics of your 1Password setup privately if need be. Talk to you soon!
ref: PRX-55274-8120 -
this morning open my email see your log in sign you ask for my secret key ,teh rejected ,whats is going gave me that sevret key when i sign in on the 9-25-2018,remember some one yesterday want to help me with microsoft ,because having a problem with blocking to sign in.and while some one was working with me my computer screen went blank could not figuer out what happens.close dowm my computer and start new.but i lost that person that was on with me yesterday,so now troubel you did not take my secret key,so please help me .best regards swissrose28
1Password Version: mac
Extension Version: 1password
OS Version: safari
Sync Type:
Referrer: forum-search:mr tully thank you for reply need your help trouble secret key0 -
@swissrose28 - Tully has replied to you in email so please continue the conversation there instead starting new forum discussions. Thank you!