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1Password Account Frozen

Community Member

To whom it may concern,

I purchased 1Password from the Apple App store on November 5, 2014. I made the mistake of upgrading it to a Family account, and found the costs too prohibitive. Now my 1Password is frozen, despite the fact that I paid for it. How can I unfreeze my account and just go back to the "stand alone" version I was using?

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.5
Sync Type: unsure


  • rickfillion
    edited January 2023

    Hi @dave_mcduff,

    The best way for us to help you with that is via email. In order to get you the best set of steps to a fully working setup, we'll want some information about how things are currently configured. In order to do that, I'd like you to click this link on the Mac where you have things setup: edit: (Removed link to prevent confusion. Please start a new topic.)

    Follow the instructions and in the message include a link to this forum post so that we have a bit of context about what's going on. The webpage on that link will end up communicating with the Mac app, which will send back information about how everything is setup, so that we can get you the best steps.


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