Suggestion: Verify TOTP will not expire in <3 sec before copying to clipboard


I really appreciate having TOTP's automatically ready to enter, but I run into this frequently. The TOTP expires in the time between the password being added to the clipboard and the page loading for me to enter it. Maybe the program could check for immediate expiration before copying, and delay if it is about to expire. In my perfect world, there would even be a setting for how close to expiration it would need to be to trigger the delay. The work around is opening the password page on Mini and not clicking Cmd-\ if it's close to expiration, but that really is the kind of thing that a computer can do for me...just saying ;-)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:one time password delay


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Due to the slight differences in clocks across computer systems, it's common for sites to accept the TOTP value prior to the current one, the current one, and the one that will come after the current one as computed from the server's clock. I used to have "red countdown anxiety" as well until I learned this and now I just trust that the site will accept the value that is on my clipboard with a grace period for the few seconds. :)

  • gtroyp
    Community Member

    The site in question (Clio) does not. It needs the current TOTP value. But, if it is an outlier, then the need for my suggestion is minimal. Oh well.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's definitely the first time I've heard of it being that strict, but certainly if that becomes more common it may make sense to have 1Password be more stringent about this as well. Thanks for bringing this up!

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