Lars Townsend
Lars Townsend
Community Member

First of all I wanted to say thank you for adding OATH keys to 1Password. I have been trying to move away from using my Google Authenticator / Authy / Microsoft Authenticator etc... and yours, so far is the best solution in the direction that I want to go.

Here is my problem. I putz around a bit in Bitcoin. I have for a number of years. I am also overweight, have high blood pressure, and other heath issues. My concern is this. What happens when if I die. I have more than 1 or 2 dollars tucked away in various exchanges, hot and cold wallets, trezors etc...

Most of my online accounts use multiple factors of identification. To get onto my computer to get to this info, you need a Yubikey to get in. Sometime down the road I would like 1Password to use a Yubikey but that can wait. I love the 1Password emergency Kit BTW I keep a copy in a safety deposit box with a copy of my Yubikey.

My biggest concern is that you OATH implementation is inconsistent. It works fine on some site, on others it doesn't work at all. I want to completely get rid of my cell phone and get it so that all my info is centrally located in one place (your emergency kit) with instructions on a) What a Bitcoin is 2) How to liquidate 3) Where the money is and how to log on, and having 1 time passwords working smootly inside of 1Password is a big part of that.

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Lars Townsend: Thanks for reaching out! I'm glad that you're thinking about these things. Our health issues aside, none of us is going to live forever after all! But I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're having trouble with here. Are you referring to TOTP support in 1Password?

    Use 1Password as an authenticator for sites with two-factor authentication

    Can you clarify what issues you're running into where something is "inconsistent"? Thanks in advance! :)

  • TimWinders
    Community Member

    I'd like to add a +1 for support of HOTP in addition to TOTP. I use 1Password with TOTP for all my sites, except for Microsoft sites which I can't seem to not use their Authenticator app and our enterprise solution, which uses Duo (HOTP). I'd love to not have to use the Duo Mobile app and be able to use 1Password as the solution for my enterprise integration.

  • Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, @TimWinders. :)


  • brettwilcox
    Community Member
    edited July 2018

    I would also like to express support for HOTP. We just recently implemented Duo into our enterprise and would love to consolidate apps. Pulling in Blizzard would be icing on top of the cake. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @brettwilcox! Thanks for adding your support for this feature. :)

  • gerwitz
    Community Member

    Another +1 … replacing the SafeNet experience with 1Password would be a quality of life improvement here.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @gerwitz - thanks for weighing it. :) :+1:

  • meilon
    Community Member

    Aaand another +1. Now that I own an Apple Watch, I really want to further consolidate apps and I don‘t use Google Authenticator anymore

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @meilon - thanks for adding your voice. :)

  • dmz
    Community Member

    I'll put in another +1 for HOTP, as we're moving to Duo for some things at my company.

  • Thanks, @dmz. :)


  • cloin
    Community Member

    Another +1 for HOTP support

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know that's a feature you'd like us to work on.

  • ciba
    Community Member

    And another +1 for HOTP support

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for weighing in, @ciba!

  • razzleDazzle
    Community Member

    me too, me too. +1 for HOTP support. we've got mandatory Duo over here. would significantly increase our 1Password adoption if HOTP support was built in.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @razzleDazzle - thanks for adding your voice to this one. :)

  • StevenKusters
    Community Member

    Dear 1Password Team

    I too would like to express my wishes that this feature would be a significant quality of life improvement!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2019

    @StevenKusters - thanks, we'll continue to evaluate adding this feature. It isn't that we DON'T think it would be a good idea, it's more a question - like everything else - of number of developer hours in the week, and other priorities that might be more urgent. Thanks for letting us know your wishes.

  • StevenKusters
    Community Member

    As a fellow IT specialist, I am fully aware of the can/cannot and will/wont questions that have to be asked. I am already very happy to know and read and see here how engaged you guys are in listening to your customers, so: great job!
    This feature is only one of the things that I’d love to see implemented, and even I have other things with a higher prio on my personal wishlist of features. Overall: I’m very happy with my choice of 1password as my password manager!

  • Thanks for the kind words, Steven. :)


  • AlwaysSortaCurious
    Community Member

    +1 for hotp. Wonder now how to get duo into 1Password after that

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AlwaysSortaCurious!

    Thank you for sharing your feedback ;)

  • amilton
    Community Member

    +1 for HOTP. Our University is enforcing Duo.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for sharing your feedback @amilton :)

  • vladimir_aubrecht
    Community Member

    +1 for HOTP for Czech Republic government portal ...

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for weighing in @vladimir_aubrecht :+1:

  • ScottyTheMenace
    Community Member

    The company I work for is implementing OTPs and telling us we need to use the DUO authenticator app. Apparently, we can also authenticate with LastPass—which our company "officially" uses as a password manager—but it's a dreadful app so I just add my work accounts to 1Password instead.

    I use 1Password for several sites that use OTPs but 1Password is not accepting the QR code to enable the OTP on our network. The QR code shows up in my web browser when I try to access our intranet but when I try to scan it, 1Password says it's not valid (or something like that).

    I don't understand anything about OTP technology, but is this HOTP mentioned above the reason it won't work with 1Password? If so, definitely please add this functionality. I hate having single-purpose apps taking up space on my phone and I hate seeing LastPass have features 1Password doesn't.

  • Hi @ScottyTheMenace

    Without knowing it a bit more it is difficult to say for sure. Does the site offer the OTP secret in plain-text instead of a QR code? If so you could try adding that secret to the TOTP field on the site's item in 1Password and see if that works.


  • avendano
    Community Member

    Another +1 for HOTP. It seems that nothing much has happened in this last year. Is it a technical issue?

This discussion has been closed.