The 1Password extension is unable to provide me with passwords when logging into Microsoft 365 site

Community Member
edited November 2017 in Mac

I regularly need to login to a Microsoft 365 account for work. When I login the 1Password extension does not present me with the account details I need to enter. This means that I need to search to find them sorting through a number of similar entries, which defeats the purpose of the extension (IMHO). Once I enter the correct credentials 1Password does not attempt to save them which I understand will allow 1Password to present the credentials to me the next time I login.

I am not sure if Microsoft is doing something unusual but you might want to understand what is happening to get the extension to support it better.

Not sure if my explanation is clear enough , would be happy to answer additional questions.

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: 10.13.1
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:The 1-Password extension is unable to provide me with passwords when logging into Microsoft site


  • Ben

    Hi @gct3o

    Thanks for taking the time to write in.

    Does your Login item for Microsoft 365 have a website field that contains a URL that matches the URL in your browser's address bar when logging in to 365? If not then you can add one. That should cause the Login item to show up properly.

    If you're still having difficulties please try this:

    How to save a Login manually in your browser - 1Password Support



  • gct3o
    Community Member

    First wow - that was a quick reply - thanks!
    I needed to do some more digging. The website URL in the login item was my desired destination but Microsoft inserted a set of login pages when I requested the URL so they could get my credentials. The extension saw these interim pages and did not know them so it did not provide quick access to my credentials. I modified the URL to this interim URL and it worked.
    Oddly 1Password did not attempt to save the interim URL when I entered my credentials and I think I have it configured to do so. That might have worked around the issue. In any case I have it sorted out.
    Thanks again!

  • Ben

    Great! Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it worked out in the end. :) If there is anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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