Migrating data to new membership password
I previously had a stand alone password app on my old email address I just now bought a membership on my present email address In setting up the new account, I had a new key generated. I downloaded the app from the new membership. Now when I try to open the app, the new key doesn't work, only the old key. When I went to migrate the data for the old vault, I discovered I was supposed to use the same key when I got the new membership. How should I proceed?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
@kevkelly82000 - sorry to hear you're having troubles just now. You don't have to use the same Master Password for a new 1password.com account as your existing Master Password for your standalone vaults. It helps with ease of remembering, sure...but it's not necessary.
When you created your new 1Password account, you'd have been asked to choose a Master Password and you'd have received a randomly-generated Secret Key. You will need both of those to sign into your account on any device from which you've never previously signed in. After the first time, you'll only need the Master Password, because your 1Password app or browser (depending) will store the Secret Key in memory.
If you click the vault menu to show all of your vaults and you still see your previous Primary vault, that's the reason your 1Password app is still using the old Master Password -- because that has never gone away. If you can sign into your account in 1Password for Mac or Windows, you can use these instructions for migrating your data from your old Primary vault to your account vault(s), and then you can delete your Primary vault once it's empty by visiting Preferences > Advanced and UN-checking the box marked Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts if you're on a Mac.
ref: SSG-63384-988, XMA-57885-877