1password mini won't open on iMac

Community Member

I have done all troubleshooting and 1password still won't open because of 1password mini

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: icloud
Referrer: forum-search:1password mini won't open


  • @cookie83,

    I see that you're running 6.5.3, you're going to need to manually install a newer version from https://1password.com/downloads


  • ptremblay
    Community Member
    edited February 2018

    Same issue. Reinstall 6.8.6 yesterday and ran diagnostic but still not launching 1Password at all on my MacBook Pro.
    I sent an email yesterday but did not get a reply from Agilebits. Why?

    ref: HPX-42349-516

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @ptremblay! The answer to your question about why is down to the fact that we answer support requests in the order they're received, typically. We're experiencing a bit of a surge in our support requests lately, so we may not be able to reply within our usual snappy response times. Since this is your first forum post, you may not have known this, but for both you and all the other 1Password users currently waiting on a reply from us, it tends to slow down our response times if users write ask us the same question in multiple points of contact -- either we wind up duplicating our efforts or have to spend time figuring out which email goes with what forum post or tweet, etc. This makes replies take longer for everyone, including you, so if you can help us speed things up by using one of our support methods instead of multiple methods, that will be much appreciated. Thanks. :)

    I see my colleague Jacob has already replied to you via email, so let's keep the conversation going over there, for your privacy and security.

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