Logos for each website

Community Member

This is a feature request.It would be great to have 1password having his own internal DB of nice logos for websites to avoid to edit them manually? Some of them are empty and some other were there automatically but they are very ugly and full of pixels. To get something nice looking I had to edit each of them. Thanks!

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Would be great to have 1password having his own DB of nice logos for websites to avoid to edit them


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @thatann44! The feature you're referring to is called Rich Icons. We maintain a server of icons for various websites which will auto-populate your login items if you check the "Use Rich Icons" box when you first install 1Password (or in Settings > General). We have a pretty thorough set of higher-resolution icons (512x512) for most major sites on the internet (check any Google or Facebook login items you have saved; you'll see what I mean).

    We are currently adding icons manually as they're requested, but it's not always been that way. Indeed, we have tens of thousands of rich icons saved for different domains, and we certainly didn't add them all manually. And of course, we don't have icons available for every site on the internet, so private or less-common sites may not yet be in our rich icon database.

    At this point, however, our process for adding new sites is manual. If you've got several you'd like us to add, would you please post the URLs of the sites you are looking for Rich Icons for, along with high quality images that represent each? It may take a while before we are able to add any particular site. We hope to start automatically retrieving icons again soon, but with all the other super-cool-and-super-secret projects going on, it hasn't happened just yet. Thanks for helping us out with this!

  • thatann44
    Community Member

    Hi Lars,

    Honestly, I am lazy to build a list and I don't really remember every icons I had to modify since I did it a week ago.

    One quick example would be Starbucks. Starbucks.com have a logo but not starbucks.ie (irish website)

    Few logos that I did not change yet but which are pixellized are : WebEx (webex.com) or ticketmaster.ie, subway.co.uk etc..

    Nokia is completely missing.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @thatann If you've got high-quality icon images, please send them along to support+forum@agilebits.com, and include a link to this thread; we'll make sure to get them added. Cheers! :)

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