my 1pw preferences are set to keep 1pw running but it repeatedly closes after a few minutes.

Community Member

Title describes the problem. I use a Mac, running OS 10.13.1

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: 1 pw 4.6.12
OS Version: OS High Sierra 10.13.1
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:my 1pw preferences are set to keep 1pw running but it repeatedly closes after a few minutes.


  • rairmac
    Community Member

    1password preferences are set to remain open but the app closes repeatedly.

    1Password Version: Version 6.8.4, mac store
    Extension Version: 4.6.12
    OS Version: OS high sierra 10.13.1
    Sync Type: iCloud
    Referrer: forum-search:doesn't stay open

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! Can you tell me the circumstances under which 1Password is closing? To be clear, the option to keep 1Password running (Preferences > General) is referring to 1Password mini, which runs in the menu bar. If you have that enabled, you'll need to manually Quit 1Password and 1Password mini (Control Option Command Q) completely to get rid of it. Otherwise, even when you close the main 1Password window, 1Password mini will continue running in the background so that you can use 1Password in your browser. Let me know what you find!

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    When you say completely get rid of it, does that mean delete from applications?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: No, I mean not running at all: not in the menu bar, Dock, or running in as a background process. :)

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    so, i am confused....if it's not running, how do i use the application? btw, re. your initial query, there are no circumstances associated with 1pw closing (at least none that i am aware of), it closes while i'm doing other work and requires me to enter my password when i want to use it

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    Please clarify....per your instructions above: after I quit 1pw and 1pw mini, do I re-open 1pw or 1pw mini? If latter, where do I find it? My applications folder lists only 1pw? Btw, in the time since your last response, I opened the 1pw app and left it open in my dock...problem has not reoccured.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: I'm not recommending that you don't keep 1Password running, just explaining the available options. That's the default because that's how it works best. You're free to not keep it running if you wish, but you'll need to consciously open it then any time you want to use it. 1Password mini is part of 1Password, so there is no separate app to find there.

    But it doesn't sound like you're even referring to 1Password closing, but rather locking. You can configure this in 1Password Preferences > Security. If you leave 1Password running, it will be available any time you need it. But just keep in mind that if you're quitting the app and not allowing any part of it to run in the background, it will always require your Master Password when you run it again. It wouldn't make any sense or be secure if 1Password stayed unlocked all the time, even when it wasn't open.

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    Thanks for feedback....yes, in my initial post I should have used 'locks' not 'closes'. And going back to that original post, my general settings were set to keep 1pw running, but even so it was locking after anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes of non use. Anyway, as noted above, after restart the problem seems to have disappeared, so maybe just another glitch. If the problem reoccurs, can I add this post, or should I start over?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: Thanks so much for clarifying! Indeed, 1Password should be locking if you close it completely, or when it's opened but not in use (according to your security settings — 30 minutes is the default for auto-lock). If you do run into issues with that, the best thing to do will be to generate a diagnostic report immediately so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Just send it to with a link to this discussion and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots', and post your Support ID here so we can confirm that we've received it. Cheers! :)

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    sounds good....not clear how to link this discussion to a new discussion. I see 'attach file' and 'url' icons...would I save this discussion's url and add that?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: Ah, it isn't possible to directly link an email conversation with a forum discussion, but the Support ID allows us to easily find an email, and the URL for any forum post is unique as well. :)

  • rairmac
    Community Member the "Support ID" my initial post at the top of this discussion thread?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rairmac: The Support ID will be a code similar to ABC-123456-DEF which you'll receive from the BitBot autoresponder if and when you email us. Cheers! :)

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    I'm sorry to prolong this discussion, but please help me understand how I can link this current conversation to a new conversation by using the new conversation's Support ID code. If I understand your message above, I will receive a Support ID code when I email you if I have a follow up problem. If so, that code will be for the new discussion. It seems to me that I need the Support ID for this current discussion as a reference.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2017

    Hi @rairmac,

    I'm sorry to prolong this discussion, but please help me understand how I can link this current conversation to a new conversation by using the new conversation's Support ID code.

    No worries, we're here to help. :)

    What brenty meant is that you can include a link to this forum discussion in your email, which would be:

    If I understand your message above, I will receive a Support ID code when I email you if I have a follow up problem.

    Yep, that's correct. When you send email to you'll get a response back that includes a Support ID code (similar to ABC-123456-DEF) …

    If so, that code will be for the new discussion. It seems to me that I need the Support ID for this current discussion as a reference.

    That code will be for the new email support ticket, and you can post it in a reply back here on the forum to help "link up" your separate email ticket with this current forum discussion.

    If my explanation is still confusing (sorry about that!), the easiest thing to do is to include your forum username (rairmac) in your email and we'll get it sorted out. :)

  • rairmac
    Community Member

    Got it! Many thanks!!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.