iphone - thumbprint access option gone

Community Member

Hi, I've come to use my 1password today and the option to unlock with my thumbprint has gone.
Unfortunately, I don't remember my master password - I do have my account key in the emergency pack

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:thumprint not available


  • cathrynallison
    Community Member

    Hmm - I logged in online...it accepted my master password despite rejecting it before (honest!) and now the app is working again with thumbprint?!!

  • @cathrynallison: A lot of times, the apps can interpret a connection problem the same way as incorrect credentials. They know they couldn't authenticate, but don't have a way to know why since they don't store your Master Password themselves. It may have been a network hiccup that led you down this path, but either way I'm glad all is well now! Do keep in mind Touch ID isn't a replacement for your Master Password you'll still need it in certain situations, so it's a good idea to jot it down somewhere safe. :chuffed:

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