Feature Request: Ability to turn off notifications about TOTP codes being copied to the clipboard

Community Member

I use TOTP codes with a number of work systems, and I'd like the ability to disable the message "One time password copied to the clipboard" that appears every time I log in to one of those systems. Why? If I accidentally leave my laptop (or 1Password) unlocked when I'm not around I'd rather not have it tell somebody else using it that all they have to do is hit paste to get the code, I'd like to let them assume the code is probably on my mobile instead.


1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: OS X 10.12.6
Sync Type: 1password.com


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bearklaw: Thanks for reaching out. I apologize if I'm being dense, but isn't this going to be your mobile anyway? That may be beside the point though, for two reasons:

    1. TOTP codes expire, so someone pasting it a minute or more later will almost certainly find it useless (depending on the site).
    2. 1Password's Clear Clipboard feature will have the TOTP code nuked and the previous contents restored after 30 seconds anyway — but you can also change 1Password's timer for clearing the clipboard in general in Preferences > Security.

    So there is a very narrow window of opportunity here. Not to mention that there's probably a lot more damage someone with full access to your unlocked computer can do. Better safe than sorry! :sunglasses:

  • bearklaw
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty,

    I agree the window is very small, I'm not too worried about it. The message I'm talking about is the one that appears on my desktop every time I log in to a site, shown below.

    I'll dig around the notification preferences - maybe I can turn it off in OS X.

  • The notification should dismiss itself about 5 seconds after it's displayed, which is what I'm seeing here.

    Is that not what you're seeing? The notification should stick around if you mouse over it or otherwise interact with it to display the 'Close' button, but in general it should auto-dismiss.


  • bearklaw
    Community Member

    That is what I'm seeing. I'm being a bit paranoid, but I'd like the ability to turn that off so if I mess up and don't lock my computer when I step away, if somebody uses my computer to access a site with a TOTP I'd prefer to not tell them that the code is in the clipboard and ready to use. As I said, I am being a bit paranoid here since those keys are in a vault that is not available when I'm traveling its really only my family or coworkers who could do take advantage of that.

  • That's fair. We'll keep that in mind.

    Thanks for the feedback.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @bearklaw: I apologize for being dense earlier. If it helps, while there aren't granular controls available for specific notifications in macOS, you can disable the banners in System Preferences > Notifications > 1Password. I turn off most of the stuff there since I get enough of these on my other devices. ;)

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