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this morning I tried to access the 1 password by 1 touch method, but it doe snot give me that option

Community Member

this morning I tried to access the 1 password by 1 touch method, but it doe snot give me that option, last night before I went to bed I cancelled the credit card number that was used by iTunes, this morning I entered a new credit card into my iTunes account for payments. 1 Password is not letting me access the app with my fingerprint like it normally does, infant the option to use 1 touch access is not even shown all that shows is a keyboard......I need HELP

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:hello


  • Hi @barrycl2002,

    If Touch ID fails for whatever reason the only way to unlock 1Password is with your Master Password, which you chose when you initially set up 1Password. If you do not recall your Master Password please see this guide:

    If you forgot your Master Password or you can't unlock 1Password

    I hope that helps!


  • barrycl2002
    Community Member

    Hi Ben,
    thank you. I found my master password tonight and it unlocked my mobile app. However the same password won't unlock the 1password app on my pc. also the master password on my mobile device won't allow me to log into my individual online account. So my master PW works for my IOS app but not on the MAC air book and not on the online account. Any idea why that would happen?

  • barrycl2002
    Community Member

    I would like to find a solution to this problem so I can use the features of the online account and I use the app on my mac book
    thank you

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Ben, thank you. I found my master password tonight and it unlocked my mobile app. However the same password won't unlock the 1password app on my pc. also the master password on my mobile device won't allow me to log into my individual online account. So my master PW works for my IOS app but not on the MAC air book and not on the online account. Any idea why that would happen?

    @barrycl2002: It sounds like you've chosen three different Master Passwords: one for the vault you're using on your iOS device, one for the vault you're using on your Mac, and another for your account. That isn't something we can change for you, but if you'll let us know more about your setup we can point you in the right direction. For example, if you sign into your account on in your web browser, do you have all of you data there already?

    I would like to find a solution to this problem so I can use the features of the online account and I use the app on my mac book thank you

    Have you setup the app with your account?

  • barrycl2002
    Community Member
    edited December 2017

    I am not able to signing the online account or 1password app on my mac airbook. I don't know if I have 3 separate passwords or not or if ,maybe I only have 2 passwords ? one for the app and one for both the online account & macbook app. I am not sure.
    What I am wondering now is if I can just deactivate the online account for [removed by AgileBits for privacy on our public forum] and also blow away the desktop app. (Question: If I do that will it mess up the IOS app which I can access?) , if I can delete the mac airlock app and the deactivate the online app (so I am not paying monthly fee twice), then perhaps I can then take out a new online account and synch it with my IOS app, then download a new 1 password app on my macbook air and sync it with the online account.

    Is this feasible? or if I delete the current macbook air app and deactivate the current online account, will that have some kind of negative result in terms of possibly removing my access to the IOS app (which I currently DO have access to the IOS app) and/or deleting the data in my IOS app?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    HI, I am not able to signing the online account or 1password app on my mac airbook. I don't know if I have 3 separate passwords or not or if ,maybe I only have 2 passwords ? one for the app and one for both the online account & macbook app. I am not sure.

    @barrycl2002: Have you tried the various passwords you've used as your Master Password at different times? There's no risk to doing so. Worst case scenario, you enter the wrong one and it doesn't work; you'll just have to try again.

    What I am wondering now is if I can just deactivate the online account for [removed by AgileBits for privacy on our public forum] and also blow away the desktop app. (Question: If I do that will it mess up the IOS app which I can access?) , if I can delete the mac airlock app and the deactivate the online app (so I am not paying monthly fee twice), then perhaps I can then take out a new online account and synch it with my IOS app, then download a new 1 password app on my macbook air and sync it with the online account. Is this feasible? or if I delete the current macbook air app and deactivate the current online account, will that have some kind of negative result in terms of possibly removing my access to the IOS app (which I currently DO have access to the IOS app) and/or deleting the data in my IOS app?

    Where do you have your 1Password data stored currently? I'd hate for you to lose it.

  • barrycl2002
    Community Member


    the one that i use everyday is the app that is on the mobile device, and I can also access that app as well. The desk top app I haven't used since February and the same for the online app, again I can't access ether the desk top app on my mac airbook, or the online app. thank you for your help

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2017

    @barrycl2002: Can you tell me the OS and 1Password versions you're using on "the mobile device"? If you're able to access your 1Password data there you should be able to sync it to the others. Please let me know the versions you're using on them as well so I can give you the correct instructions. Thanks in advance!

  • barrycl2002
    Community Member

    HI, my IOS is 10.0.2 but I can't figure out what 1password version I have on my iPhone, how do I see that?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @barrycl2002: If you go into 1Password Settings, you can scroll down to the bottom to find the version number.

  • barrycl2002
    Community Member

    HI, the version of 1password on my I phone is 6.9.1, this is the one that i have access to and it is the one that has all of my passwords in it. The IOS on my iPhone is 10.0.2

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2017

    @barrycl2002: That's good! Thank you! First and foremost, please backup your data from 1Password on your iPhone. It sounds like you may have a different setup there than everywhere else, so what I'd like you to do is generate a diagnostic report for your iPhone so we can see just how:

    Please send it to and add the following Support ID (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics email before sending:


    If you’re reading this and you are not barrycl2002, this Support ID is for barrycl2002 only. Please ask us for your own if you also need help.

    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. Let me know once you've sent it. Once we see it we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

    ref: DDC-74262-892

This discussion has been closed.