Discover Card Autofill Failure


Whenever I go to sign into my Discover card account, 1Password's autofill fails every time. This is the only site I have this problem with, and the error I received from Discover is: The information you provided does not match our records. Please re-enter your login information below.

I can easily recreate this by doing the following:

If I copy and paste my password into the appropriate field on either the pages, I can log in.

1Password Version: 6.8.4
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: 10.13.2
Sync Type: 1Password Account
Referrer: forum-search:Discover card


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SpinnyRL: Hmm. How about ⌘ \? Does that work for you there?

    I've got a Discover card as well and haven't experienced issues there for a long time. When following the URL you gave though, I'm not even seeing a login form there. I have to click a "Log In" button in the top right to bring up the form. 1Password is able to fill there though. Looking at my own saved login, I've been using this URL:

    I do recall that their site changed pretty dramatically a while back, so perhaps the saved login you have is based on that. In many cases manually saving a new login for the site will allow 1Password to save additional information from the form to fill better. Just try these steps to save the login manually:

    1. Navigate to the website
    2. Enter your login credentials
    3. Click the 'keyhole' icon to bring up the extension
    4. Click the 'gear' icon for Settings
    5. Click Save New Login
    6. Give it a name and Save
    7. Close the webpage and select your new login from the extension to have 1Password Go & Fill
    8. Submit the form manually if you have autosubmit disabled

    Let me know if that helps! The error, however, makes me wonder if you have a password saved in 1Password which is too long. That's happened to me a lot recently, where a signup form will accept, say, 40 characters, which I save with 1Password, but the login form only accepts 30. Something to look into.

  • SpinnyRL
    Community Member

    @brenty Turns out Discover only allows 32 character passwords. Mine was 60 or so characters. Creating a new one resolves the issue! Thanks for your help!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2017

    Dang it! Thank you for checking that. I'm glad that helped. I looked at my own Discover login the other day when you brought this up and was scratching my head wondering why it was exactly 32 characters long. Cheers! :lol:

  • dorits
    Community Member

    I've had the same problem for ages so I used your Save New Login suggestion at this URL:

    When I Saved New Login I was never given an option to give it a new name.

    It auto fills fine if I click on the little Log In dropdown on the upper right corner of the home page. But it won't auto fill if I use the bigger, more noticeable "Secure Account Log In" fields on the left side of the home page. Copy/paste works in "Secure Account Log In"

    The same problem occurs at

    I even tried changing my password to make sure it fits their current requirement.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dorits: Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately the only issue I'm experiencing when logging in using either one of those forms is that they want me to pay my bill. I would gladly trade that for a 1Password issue! :lol:

    But more seriously, without some basic information it's hard to say ore than that. Please tell me the OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action:

    Find your version

    The more information you can give, the better. Thanks in advance! :)

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