Odd Occurrence

Community Member

This has only happened once, but I thought I should share it. I recently typed "Twitter" in the search box (macOS Families version from the MAS) and was surprised to see the correct login appear, but with the rich icon my my Food Network login (see attached screenshot). I have not been able to reproduce it...I even scrolled through all my logins trying to do so.

1Password Version: 6.8.5
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: macOS 10.13.2
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2018

    @LarryMcJ: Well, it had never happened to me, so I was prepared to write it off as a peculiarity of your specific setup or a freak one-time occurrence. Good thing I thought to ask around internally before I tried to write a reply with that as a starting point! Apparently, despite me not having seen this issue, it's happened - as you say, very rarely - to one of our lead developers as well as a couple other people here. So, long story short: we're aware of it, but we're not quite sure what's causing it. It may be a timing issue, based on the difference in when calls to the Rich Icon server get made vs what gets displayed on your screen, but we're just not sure. Problems that are intermittent are among the most difficult to troubleshoot, which is why there's a cliché of the person who swears to their mechanic that "the car was making this noise just earlier this morning!"

    I have good news and bad news on it: the good news is that because it appears to be a purely cosmetic issue, it won't affect your security nor the usability of 1Password in terms of saving or filling items into your browser. The bad news is that because this is an issue which doesn't seem to affect everyone, appears only rarely to those it does affect and appears to be purely a cosmetic issue, it's not at the top of our priority list to troubleshoot. The better news is that when we do have some available developer cycles, it will get investigated. Until then, if you should run into this again, we certainly would appreciate you noting what configuration of open apps you had and any other variables about the device's environment that you think might be relevant, and sending it along to us at support+forum@agilebits.com - you never know what kind of detail might prove to be the right string to pull to unravel the whole mystery. Thanks for reporting it, and for being a part of the 1Password community!

    ref: OPM-3408, OPM-3088, OPM-494

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