Fill panel hidden behind other elements on Schwab site

Almost impossible to use (not counting keyboard shortcuts)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 1.3.0
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:schwab


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @coyotejano: Thanks for getting in touch! I haven't encountered any trouble with my own Schwa account, but what appears in your screenshot doesn't look familiar at all to me. This is where I normally login:

    Can you tell me where you're having trouble? I'm not sure there's something we can do to prevent part of the website from getting in the way, but we'll see what we can discover. Thanks in advance! :)

  • coyotejano
    Community Member
    edited January 2018

    My screenshot is of the page that I am taken to when simply typing in

    login forms are right there. Using Windows 10 and Chrome, latest versions of each.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @coyotejano: Thanks for letting me know! I see the problem, and unfortunately I'm not sure if there's anything we can do about it, at least directly. The login form there is being loaded in an iframe from this page:

    So that's why the content around it is covering the 1Password X menu: in order for 1Password X to interact with that, it has to open in that frame. So 1Password X isn't really going to be usable inline there. using the keyboard shortcut — Ctrl Shift X — will work, as you mentioned, or selecting the login from the 1Password X toolbar icon instead.

    I wanted to say "for now", but browsers have only become more strict about enforcing frame isolation over time for security reasons, so I don't anticipate this getting better. However, I'm going to bring this up with the team since, at the very least, it's a good example of the difficulties that inline menus for 1Password X can run up against that affect users. So we may need to come up with alternative ways for doing tasks with 1Password X that don't rely on this menuing. For example, using a suggested password and/or saving a new login. So we'll need to make 1Password X more versatile for when we run up against these kinds of issues with websites. That could help indirectly.

    Unfortunately the only workarounds I can suggest at this time, other than the one you've already mentioned, are using keyboard navigation in 1Password X's inline menu, which you can't see (bad), or trying the alternative login page I mentioned above:

    I'm really grateful to you for bringing this to our attention, as I'm sure it won't be the last time we encounter issues like this. We'll see what we can to to improve 1Password X so it can help more with this in the future. Cheers! :)

    ref: b5x-212

  • sethvargo
    Community Member

    Hi there,

    I'm experiencing a similar issue on Mac OS X with Chrome. The keyboard shortcut to populate does not work on or Even manually clicking on the 1Password icon in the toolbar and clicking on the login item fails.

    Autofill is working on other websites, and it was working fine on the Schwab website a few weeks ago. I think they changed something that makes it impossible to autofill. The only workaround I've found is to manually copy-paste, which is a large waste of time.

    Failing on schwab:
    Working on other sites:

    Any ideas?

  • sethvargo
    Community Member

    Oh also - I've tried Chrome and Safari and two different Macs - same result. The fact that it's working on other sites leads me to believe this is something Schwab changed.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @sethvargo - Are you using 1Password X, or the regular 1Password extension in Chrome/Safari, etc? I don't have a Schwab account but using fake data I was able to generate the proper "failed" reply from the server. I think this one might be a function of the Login item you have saved in 1Password. Can you please try to manually save a new Login item for Schwab, and give that a go? Let us know how it works for you.

  • sethvargo
    Community Member

    Hey Lars,

    I'm not using X (although I'll give it a try now). Even the "Generate Password" option in 1PMini doesn't fill in the form though.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @sethvargo - the only reason I asked about 1Password X is because that's the topic in which you posted. No worries, you can use either. :)

    If you can't even get the password generator working, I'd recommend restarting your computer to clear out any stuck caches or weird app or system states; that certainly shouldn't be the case, and definitely not only on one website. I have a colleague here who has a Schwab account, and he verified for me that it was working just fine, in both the traditional extension and in 1Password X. Try a reboot and see if the problem persists. If it does, we'll have to dig a little deeper.

  • sethvargo
    Community Member

    Ah thanks Lars. I tried to be a good forum citizen and used search instead of starting a new topic, but alas I failed to realize 1Password X was the category.

    I haven't rebooted, but I have installed 1PX and it's working fine (although I have the same iframe issue discussed here).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    No worries. We're looking into ways to try to work around tough cases like this, so hopefully we'll be able to find a solution in the future. :)

This discussion has been closed.