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cost of newsletter

Community Member

Hello, I've been contacted by the Apple Store notifying me that my subscription is expiring to 1password on January 15, for a yearly cost of $35.99.  But when I looked up my billing under 1password on the website it says that the next payment is due on July 5, 2018 for $35.88. Are these two accounts the same thing?

What are these two accounts for? Do they refer to the same thing?

The subscription in the Apple store is through iTunes. I thought my enrollment in the one password account was through the 1Password web

Here are two screen captures, one from iTunes and he oher from 1Password.

Could you please clarify what is going on here?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
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  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rob_tracy - The only way you'd have both of those things happening simultaneously would be if you had somehow created two separate accounts. Those are indeed the two costs of a 1Password individual account (the small discrepancy is just down to the difference between the App Store and our store). But it's not possible to be both subscribed via Apple AND paying via our website.

    Could you have potentially created a second account at some point? Perhaps on a different device?

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