Recent MacIntouch discussion about 1Password (and others)
The most recent mentions of 1Password on MacInTouch is a recent series of articles starting at
This follows not too long after an involved discussion of "automatic" entry of login credentials which showed much confusion about whether "automatic" applies to actions initiated by user clicks on 1Password buttons.
Read and comment.
1Password Version: latest beta
Extension Version: latest beta
OS Version: 10.13.2, 10.13.3
Sync Type: Dropbox
Hi @xz4gb8,
The comments I see at the link you provided seem to primarily revolve around the merits of password management in general (vs an encrypted text document), with some folks chiming in regarding specific security benefits and usability aspects of 1Password in particular. Could you please elaborate about what specifically you’d like us to comment on? In short: what is your question?
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@xz4gb8 Thanks for the clarification, and the heads-up. While we appreciate knowing where there are discussions of password management in general or 1Password in particular happening on the internet, we're not able to monitor nor comment upon all of them. We do comment sometimes if/when an article in the tech press misrepresents something 1Password does (or doesn't do), but running our own forum here as we do for 1Password users to ask us questions and discuss amongst themselves, we don't feel the need (nor do we have the resources) to comment consistently anywhere a discussion about password management breaks out.
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@lars Since MacInTouch is one of the more "real" Mac-oriented forums that I have found, and, since quite a detailed discussion of "automatic" credential entry occurred, I figured it should be of at least passing interest to you.
I had no expectation of any particular participation in MacInTouch by agilebits.
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No worries.
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:) :+1: