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Syncing with subscription?

Community Member

I have purchased a subscription here for a year and I have 1password on my desktop, iphone, and my laptop. Sometimes I go for awhile before I use my laptop and I have to download updates. I updated today to the latest version and went to use a password that I have saved on my desktop only to not be able to find it on my laptop. Is there a reason it is not syncing? I think I had this problem before and I had to wait awhile before it showed up, is there a way to force a sync?

1Password Version: 6.8.496
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Subscription?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @BuMmR: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me all OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action:

    Find your version

    The more information you can give, the better. For instance, are you by any chance having trouble receiving changes only on the PC? In some environments it can be difficult for 1Password to receive notifications there, but you may be able to get it to connect by creating a new item there. Let me know. Thanks in advance! :)

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