Just updated to High Sierra and tried to install, without success, the Safari Browser extension

Community Member

It says I the browser extension can't be installed

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.8.6 (686004) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: n/a
OS Version: OS X 10.13.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:high sierra


  • b777captret
    Community Member

    I have a similar problem. The 1Password icon in my sidebar shows a question mark and won't load and both Safari and Firefox show the mini icon but won't bring up 1Password when selected after upgrading to High Sierra.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @b777captret: Can you tell me what "sidebar" and "question mark" you're referring to? If it's simpler, take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure not to post anything sensitive, as this is a public forum. Also, be sure to let me know the OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using. Thanks in advance!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MNG_Agile: What is the error you're getting? A screenshotwould be great. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure not to post anything sensitive, as this is a public forum. Looking forward to hearing back from you!

  • b777captret
    Community Member

    Here is mine.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @MNG_Agile - thanks for that. I'd like you to see if any of these instructions solves the problem for you. Not sure it will, but I don't want to proceed unless we try this first, just to cover the bases. Thanks; let us know how it turns out.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @b777captret - A couple of things from your screenshot -- the icon in your dock is an alias (essentially a link to the actual application). Because they are specific to the application from which they were created, when you upgrade the application to a new full version number, many aliases (including dock icons) no longer work.

    Yours appear to be from 1Password 4 -- which you should no longer be running. The reason the question mark icon is overlayed on top of the 1Password dock icon is likely because you've upgraded your 1Password to version 5 or (hopefully) 6. If you look in your Applications folder, single-click on 1Password then type ⌘i (command + i), to Get Info for the app. Can you tell me what version you're using? Thanks.

  • MNG_Agile
    Community Member


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MNG_Agile: It sounds like you're posting the 1Password for Mac version number again. Did you try the suggestion Lars gave to get Safari sorted? Let us know how it turns out!

  • russcoleman
    Community Member

    I was having this problem and this discussion helped. I uninstalled the Safari extension and reinstalled it from the extension gallery and now logins are pre-filling.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @russcoleman! Glad to hear this thread helped you sort out the issue you were having. There's actually a wealth of information in the archives of this forum, because if you're having a specific problem, chances are good you're not the first person to have it, and the answer can often be found right here without even having to ask the question and wait for one of us to answer. My only caution to searching the archives here for similar issues is to remember that in many cases, a thread that's two, three, five years old is probably no longer relevant, no matter how much it sounds like what you're seeing. In other words: make sure the problem/solution you see is from someone using the same (or similar) versions of software and OS to what you are; advice we gave in 2013 to someone running 1Password 3 for Mac and OS X Mountain Lion is probably not the same advice we'd give today. Cheers, and welcome to the forum! :)

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