Syncing iPassword on MacBook Pro with IOS devices? Going the opposite way - FROM IOS to MacBook Pro

Community Member

I decided to try once again to run 1Password on my MacBook Pro... I had major problems doing this before and gave up. Since I am paying for the subscription anyways, it is worthwhile giving this another try. I downloaded the Mac version of 1Password and when asked to sync, I chose iCloud as I THOUGHT my devices (iPad mini and iPhone) were synced with iCloud but only 2 items came in and they have long been deleted. I should have almost 100 entries. Where are they? How do I get them to sync with my Mac? I know there will be other issues that will arise in doing this but this is just the start... I was also asked whether I wanted to start a trial subscription (I am already paying for a subscription and don't want to pay TWICE for something I already have!) How do I do this?

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version: 4.6.12
OS Version: High Sierra 10.13.3
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 - Sorry for the confusion! If you're using a account, then your device syncs via itself, not any third party sync service such as iCloud or Dropbox. What you'll want to do is follow these instructions to reset the data in 1Password for Mac.

    After that, the next time you start 1Password for Mac, you'll see the Welcome (New User) screen. At that screen, choose the option to sign into your existing 1Password account, and you should see all of your data once you've done that. Let us know if you have any problems!

  • kelsie47
    Community Member
    edited February 2018

    I have the iPassword little icon on the top right hand section of my Mac where the wifi indicator is located. If I click on that, I am either logged in or out. If I choose a website that has a login, it is offering to save logins for me. I can get to the screen where I am forced to enter my username, Master Key and password. Is that the "Welcome New User" screen? That's the closest screen to anything like that...

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 - If you go to your Mac's Applications folder and double-click the 1Password application, you should see the lock screen. After you enter your Master Password, go to Preferences > All Vaults and please tell me what you see. Is there a vault called "Primary?" Or do you see only the vaults from your account?

  • kelsie47
    Community Member
    edited February 2018

    Under Preferences, I do see a Primary Vault there. It is checked.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47. Thanks. Is that the ONLY vault you see there? Or do you see your account vaults as well? Please also tell us what vaults you see in 1Password on your iOS devices as well. Thanks in advance.

  • kelsie47
    Community Member

    The Primary vault is the only vault I see on my Mac.
    On my IOS devices, I see multiple vaults - Personal, Creative Quests, Financial, Health, Miscellaneous, Shopping and E-Commerce and Tech/Social Media. I don't even see a Primary Vault on my IOS devices at all.
    Does that help?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 - If those other vaults are the names of vaults you created in your account, then yes -- that helps a great deal. On your Mac, follow these instructions to add your account into 1Password for Mac, then follow these steps to migrate your data from your Primary vault to your vault(s). Once that's done, you can visit Preferences > Advanced and un-check the box marked Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts. This will remove your older, no-longer-needed Primary vault.

    If the names of those vaults on your iOS devices are NOT from your account, then we'll need to perform merges there as well. Let us know if that's the case.

  • kelsie47
    Community Member
    edited February 2018

    OK - I wanted to do this using the scan code but I can't find it... WHERE is it located on my iPad? Then I tried doing it the manual way but it says my information is not recognized. It has to be the initial entry where it says the sign in section because I am not sure what goes in there. I tried my email address but it obviously doesn't like that. Everything else is correct - the Master Key, my email, my login code. I don't know what to do! I can't get in using any option right now. HELP! I am SO frustrated right now...

  • kelsie47
    Community Member
    edited February 2018

    I did the scan version (once I chose that option, it showed where to find the QR scan code) and I am now seeing all the vaults there including the Primary vault. Am going through the second set of instructions SLOWLY to see about deleting what I need to delete and still keep what I want.

    OK - I can't get to this home page that is shown in the video. My main page has all my vaults showing but there is no Primary vault showing up there. To get to that page, I have to enter my account from my bookmarks and I have to enter my Master Key every time, which is a major pain. The only place the Primary Vault shows up is when I access my account via my Launchpad. I can't delete it there. I can uncheck it but there is no option to delete it under the Preferences menu.

  • kelsie47
    Community Member

    I spent some significant time this weekend working with 1Password and trying to get everything set up and working. I have disabled keychain on my Mac, iPad and iPhone so it is not interfering at all. I cannot delete that Primary vault and in the Preferences section under the Sync heading, the only option I have is to sync the Primary Vault with iCloud. There is nothing in the Primary Vault. When I go to any website where I currently have a login set up, I am asked to save the login and therefore, it is duplicating what I already have saved. It is not pulling up anything that I already have entered, which is what I obviously WANT to happen... I don't know how to make that occur. Watchtower is running, the little image is at the top right of my screen, so I know the program is open and running... what am I doing wrong?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 - sounds like you did a lot of work this weekend! When you say "I cannot delete that Primary vault," what do you mean? Did you go to Preferences > Advanced (the gear icon at the top right of the Preferences window in 1Password for Mac), and UN-check the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts?" If not, try that, and let us know if it works for you. Thanks.

  • kelsie47
    Community Member

    PERFECT! That worked to allow me to access websites with the passwords being filled in correctly and not duplicating - even the two step verification ones because I cleared the history on my browser and tried starting from scratch just to make sure.
    THANK-YOU, Lars! Your patience with me to get this up and running has been amazing! I tried before, was so frustrated and gave up. Now, I can use my paid subscription on my computer, iPad and my phone - the way it should be :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 Excellent! I'm glad things started working and making sense for you. Learning 1Password isn't rocket science, but there's just enough of a learning curve that it can take a little bit of time to get the hang of it. Let us know if you run into any further problems; we're here to help!

  • kelsie47
    Community Member

    Oh boy... Now, I am having MAJOR problems. I found that in order to access these sites, first I have to visit each and every one of them so that has taken MUCH time. BUT, on my iPad, I now have an even bigger problem. I have never used the autofill feature to fill in website data. I figured since it was filled in on my Mac now, the the same would happen on the same sites visited on my iPad. Far from it. I went to a few sites and had to set up a BRAND NEW login for each site. New entry with a new password - everything. This defeats the whole purpose of what I am doing. Plus, it is saving these files in my Personal Vault that I cannot access from the Mini Password on my Mac - I have to open my iPad to change where they are located because I don't want ANY logins in that vault. I don't want three logins for every site (for 3 devices..) At this point Safari saved password are starting to look like a good option again :(

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @kelsie47 - Oh, no! I'm sorry to hear things are going sideways on you. I'm a little confused by some of what you mentioned, however.

    I found that in order to access these sites, first I have to visit each and every one of them so that has taken MUCH time.

    Can you elaborate on that a bit? You always have to visit a site to access it. Can you tell me what you were expecting (or maybe what you mean by "access" and "visit?"

    I figured since it was filled in on my Mac now, the the same would happen on the same sites visited on my iPad.

    It should. But not automatically. If you're on a site's login page on your iPad, you'll need to tap the share sheet icon in Safari to bring up the option to use 1Password to fill your data. Here are instructions (and a video) for how to do that. You should not need to - nor should you be creating new logins on each site you visit from every new device. You should use the single login you created when you first signed up for the site in question. If you create new logins, you're not just creating new passwords, you're creating an entirely new and separate account at each of these sites, each time you do this.

    At this point, to get a better idea of what might be going on with your 1Password setup, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.



    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the **Subject line of your diagnostics email before sending it:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. We'll take a look and let you know what we find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @kelsie47 only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: AJF-93271-438

This discussion has been closed.