How to move items between vaults? [see]

This discussion was created from comments split from: Feature request: ability to move sections.


  • Lisa111
    Community Member

    Perhaps this is the same thing but I'm not sure. It would be really great if you could move passwords from one vault to another, just as you can move passwords to trash. I have a bunch of old passwords, but I'm not yet ready to delete. I'd like to hang on for 12 months before I delete just to make sure. However, I want to make them easy to find later. The only way I could identify these was to put "Old" at the start of the name - which meant renaming all of them. I've also created a folder called "Old" and dragged them into it. But of course they now still clutter my list of passwords I'm using. From my perspective it would have been easier if instead of renaming or dragging into a folder (but they still show up in my vault) I could drag them all into a vault called "old". That way they'd disappear from my active vault but in a year they'd be easy to go through and move to trash.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lisa111 - That's actually not the same thing, but I'm happy to help with what you're trying to accomplish. In fact, we've got a great illustrated guide which will show you how to move items between vaults. Make sure you use the "Move" command instead of "Copy," or you'll have two different copies of the data, one in the source vault, and one in the destination vault.

  • Lisa111
    Community Member

    Lars. It's so simple once you know where to look. Thank you.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Lisa111 You're quite welcome! Glad I was able to help. :)

This discussion has been closed.