Open website with specific browser

Community Member

I use several browsers for different purposes on my iMac, and in 1Password I'd like it if there where a 'Browser' setting in each Login (with a default) where I could specify the browser to be used when I double-click on a Login. When browsing on this topic I found that people have already asked for something like this and that it's been an "open feature request' since at least 2015. Is there actually anything in the works?

1Password Version: 6.8.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.13.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:browser


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martinliss - thanks for the suggestion! We don't have anything to share on that subject at the present -- and we don't tend to pre-announce feature releases in advance anyway, as too many factors, many outside our control, bear on when or even whether we can deliver on such things.

    One of the considerations in this particular matter is that there are already tools out there which allow a user to select specific browsers on a per-link basis. This is not an AgileBits recommendation, but I personally use Choosy on my own Macs, though there are certainly other such utilities as well. Thanks for taking the time to write in and share your wishes with us! :)

  • martinliss
    Community Member

    This is the thread I was referring to when I said there was an "open feature request" but now I assume that agilebits (unfortunately) does not have plans to add this feature.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2018

    @martinliss -- It's always helpful for us, if you're wondering about something said in the past - particularly several years ago - by an AgileBits employee on this forum or elsewhere, if you include a link or a quote so we can address it directly. A lot can and does change in three years. That said, some things don't change -- or at least, they haven't so far. In that thread from 2015, an open feature request was mentioned. We did and do have an open feature request for this dating back even before that thread, and I'll be happy to make your wishes known and included as part of it.

    However, I want to make sure I'm being clear so there's as little chance as possible of a misunderstanding. We have a large enough user base that we get feature requests on a daily basis, and while we are very grateful to have such an active and engaged user-base who aren't at all shy about making their wishes known, it would be literally impossible to fulfill every request we receive. That's not only because it would take up every available developer-hour we have and then some to try to do this (which it would), but also because some of the feature requests are in diametric opposition to one another. We literally couldn't do some feature requests without violating others and making some users less satisfied. So we do what most developers do -- we take user feedback into account, and we also balance it against a whole host of other considerations: time required to complete the feature, number of users affected, whether we think it's a good idea, security considerations -- all of these and more play into our decision-making about how to prioritize feature requests.

    In this particular case, owing in part to the existence of utilities like Choosy, which both your 2015 thread and I independently mentioned, that accomplish the same thing, I would describe this particular open feature request as something that remains firmly in the "someday, maybe" category for us: if we had cleared our list of a number of other higher-urgency/priority items and had developer and designer hours to spare, it's something we might consider. It's certainly not a bad idea -- which is why other independent developers like the Choosy team on macOS and others in the Windows world have created existing solutions to accomplish that very task.

  • martinliss
    Community Member

    Thank you for the explanation.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @martinliss - you're quite welcome! Drop by anytime if you have other things you'd like to see us do -- I can't promise we'll do them but I can promise we will always consider them. :)

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